#dev 2025-01-29
2025-01-29 UTC
jbrr joined the channel
gRegor Probably needs this, I think it was migrated from Slim3 right? https://www.slimframework.com/docs/v4/start/upgrade.html#new-not-found--and-not-allowed-handler

jbrr joined the channel
carrvo[d] That is why top-level try-catch is nice! Then you can at least log any errors you never considered.
carrvo[d] On a different note I just fixed a bunch of bugs in my MIndie (transposed from the prod system and pushed to the repo).
carrvo[d] Yippee
[schmarty] composer install

btrem Getting errors running composer. I created a PR to fix one of the problems I'm having, but as I'm a PHP novice, it needs review. Link to PR: https://github.com/aaronpk/IndieNews/pull/66
alephalpha0 joined the channel
grufwub and lockywolf joined the channel
carrvo[d] aaronpk, btrem looks like there was an error deploying the PR, see #indieweb-meta
btrem joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] My guess would be the need to go composer update to make sure composer and the lock are in sync but thatβs a pure guess.
jbrr joined the channel
carrvo[d] btrem-- if you really want...
jbrr joined the channel
capjamesg[d] I'm thinking of implementing something like https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/360039213771-QR-Code-Login-FAQ for my web reader.

vinceaggrippino capjamesg I'm reminded of SQRL (Secure, Quick, Reliable Login) which was created by an old-school assembly language programmer who also hosts a security podcast: https://www.grc.com/sqrl/sqrl.htm
[Murray] joined the channel
capjamesg[d] That is a very good question! I'd show a QR code on the sign in page that, when scanned, takes you to a special page that sends a message back to the server to say that a device can be authenticated.

capjamesg[d] aaronpk I'm curious if you have read anything about securing QR code authentication.

jbrr joined the channel
ttybitnik and Guest6 joined the channel
jeremycherfas I've come up against an odd problem of accessibility. In my newsletter, there is a box styled with black text on a pale yellow (#ffffdc) background. Someone who views this in dark mode on iOS pointed out that it preserves the yellow background but sets the text to white, making it illegible. I've tried to find advice on dark mode but it all seems to address developers and apps. Anyone point me to a resource that will help me

jeremycherfas specifiy styling that will work equally well in light and dark modes?

nemonical joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] If the dark text of that background was default, that is, inherited from the user agent stylesheet, then dark mode would make that text light. If you specifically set the text in the light yellow area by defining color, then you wonβt have that problem.
[KevinMarks] If your newsletter is going to be read on the retro Windows mail html renderer as well as in gmail and iOS you may want to explicitly define all colours, as CSS techniques for choosing colours by calculation will fail in the older environments (or define colour more than once so when the new syntax is ignored it falls back to an earlier explicit colour). This sounds like a fun Front End Study Hall exercise.

jeremycherfas When is fresh

Loqi Front End Study Hall #020 in 1 days https://events.indieweb.org/PJGxETOMne1b

jeremycherfas Oooh. That's tomorrow! Maybe I'll investigate before thend and see if I can come up with something.

jeremycherfas I currently have <div style="background-color: #ffffdc; padding: .5em 1em .5em 1em"> Are you saying, [Joe_Crawford] , that I need to specify text-color as well?

[Joe_Crawford] Yes, for that block, add `color:black` in the style attribute (or whatever color value you like)
[Joe_Crawford] I surely hope you can come to FrESH [jeremycherfas]!
jeremycherfas I'll try. It can interfere with eating, especially if I have to cook.

Loqi Front End Study Hall #020 in 1 day https://events.indieweb.org/PJGxETOMne1b

jeremycherfas Pretty strange. I defined color: #111 and sent a test of both versions, and that made both versions identical in dark mode. Maybe this is something to do with what [KevinMarks] was saying about fallbacks?

[Joe_Crawford] correct
btrem joined the channel
vinceaggrippino I'm trying to send an RSVP for the upcoming HWC meetup but webmention .app says that there are "No webmention supported links found". I'm linking to the event page as documented. What am I doing wrong? https://github.com/VAggrippino/vaggrippino.github.io/blob/ddd296195d95e8f7d65304f66d83f5b70858d033/docs/2025/01/hwc-london-29-jan/index.html#L76
vinceaggrippino [edit] I'm trying to send an RSVP for the upcoming HWC meetup but webmention .app says that there are "No webmention supported links found". I'm linking to the event page as documented. What am I doing wrong? https://github.com/VAggrippino/vaggrippino.github.io/blob/ddd296195d95e8f7d65304f66d83f5b70858d033/docs/2025/01/hwc-london-29-jan/index.html#L76
capjamesg[d] vinceaggrippino[d] It works!

capjamesg[d] I just sent a webmention from your site to the event page

capjamesg[d] It now shows up on the event page:

capjamesg[d] I think there may be a bug to file with webmention.app.

capjamesg[d] Your code is valid.

vinceaggrippino capjamesg++ Thank you. I used webmention .app manually (sort of) by pasting my URL into their form at /check. I suppose I'll start using Telegraph instead. Before I do, maybe I'll try to document it in a GitHub issue for Webmention .app.
[Joe_Crawford] btrem, if it was that I went ahead and did the `composer update` - https://github.com/aaronpk/IndieNews/pull/67 [aaronpk] in case that was the problem.
JadedBlueEyes joined the channel
JadedBlueEyes joined the channel
btrem I @#@!?!! hate php. Bloody hell. `composer update` ```you should install curl```. No further info. /Which version/ for cripes sakes!? I get that installed. `composer update` ```you need to enable intl```. Which .ini file?!?! $deity. Of course the .ini file is read-only. So I need to look up how to sudo edit the dang thing. Un-co the line.
vinceaggrippino It's inspiring me to get back into PHP... any dev stack that inspires this type of *enthusiasm* must be good for a career path π
jeremycherfas Confirmed by the subscirber who raised the problem, the fix works. Still hoping to join Fresh tomorrow, if for no other reason than to show the screenshots.

aaronpk progress on my video uploading UI! https://media.aaronpk.com/2025/01/29083723-4668.png

[Joe_Crawford] That's great aaronpk.
ttybitnik joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] btrem were you asking for help? I didn't see that. `curl` and `intl` refer to https://www.php.net/manual/en/curl.installation.php and https://www.php.net/manual/en/intl.installation.php
[Joe_Crawford] There are so so so many ways to install php. Precompiled binaries, brew, apt-get, things like XAMPP, it is VERY difficult to advise and help without knowing each and every part of your stack.
btrem I got intl installed. Now I have to enable -- and maybe install -- dom extension. I find this totally bizarre. Isn't the point of a dependency manager to do this for you? Like, instead of composer telling me I need to install intl, then after I do that, telling me to install dom, shouldn't it install them for me? If I install dom, will it tell me on the next run that I need to install something else?
[Joe_Crawford] Ubunutu uses `apt-get` to install software. If you are compile-phobic then that seems likeliest. Does `apt-get install php-intl` do anthing that looks right?
[Joe_Crawford] and if you're checking in a browser you may need to restart a webserver
[Joe_Crawford] curious to know if `phpenmod` is available to you.
GuestZero joined the channel
[Joe_Crawford] I would try the version without specific version. I *believe* apt-get will try to get you the appropriate version.
[Joe_Crawford] Nice job turning ranty consternation into installed and running software btrem++
thegreekgeek joined the channel
carrvo[d] btrem, (late but whatever) the tools for installing PHP and dependencies for a limited project I had to use were (on Ubuntu): apt, composer, and pear.
carrvo[d] capjamesg[d] Nintendo has QR codes to log into the Switch store that doesn't need a dedicated app. It is nice! No console keyboard. Don't know how it works of course but I could spend some time detailing how it feels and guesses into the backend (I am trained for backend dev).
barnaby joined the channel
carrvo[d] Good chance of that. Don't know it yet, myself.
aaronpk i have a demo of it here https://www.oauth.com/playground/device-code.html

capjamesg[d] aaronpk++

carrvo[d] Is that where they login, grab a code, then input it on the device? What I saw was a lot fancier.
capjamesg[d] I assume #2 could be replaced with the user scanning a QR code from an auth'ed device?

carrvo[d] All the same, thanks for that!
carrvo[d] aaronpk++ excellent. How easy is it to add? Like, could that work with IndieAuth since it layers on top of OAuth?
gRegor joined the channel
[schmarty] i have?? oh done a device auth proxy for IndieAuth.

Loqi [preview] [Marty McGuire] Loving the Adafruit PyPortal as an IndieWeb-powered photo device.
Code to come! https://res.cloudinary.com/schmarty/image/fetch/w_960,c_fill/https://media.martymcgui.re/d2/09/5e/31/f561203f176d0f7dbe9b6a80f6603d29d4d1cd57904367fd50cdf724.jpg

carrvo[d] "Code to come" π
[schmarty] https://glitch.com/edit/#!/veil-mirror is the actual proxy. it is out of date IndieAuth-wise, but i do want to update it sometime soon!

[schmarty] that said, feel free to fork it on glitch for your own purposes!

carrvo[d] I don't have glitch but I might fork it on GitHub. Don't have a use, yet, but very interesting!
[schmarty] looks like i haven't got the pyportal (device client) code onto my git hosting. it would need updating for modern circuitpython for sure.

[schmarty] it works a lot like this: https://github.com/aaronpk/Device-Flow-Proxy-Server?tab=readme-ov-file#usage

[schmarty] but the access token payload also gives any micropub/sub endpoints found.

btrem aaronpk: PR created with middleware added. https://github.com/aaronpk/IndieNews/pull/68 Needs review! (You remember what happened last time!) N.B. the app returns 404 for the root url on my dev server, i.e. `/`. I assume that (a) it returns 404 for / because I don't have the data to show anything; and (b) the fact that it returns 404 means 404 is working and will work for e.g. /webmention. But caveat emptor.
jak2k, GuestZero, nemonical, d1, sebbu2, ttybitnik, Zorb and vriska joined the channel