#events 2024-09-18

2024-09-18 UTC
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell capjamesg[d] I could use some help with wiki updates / thinking for IWC Berlin 2024 /2024/Berlin — in particular need your opinion on comparing / contrasting these "recent" IndieWebCamp wiki pages and what you like / don't like of each: /2024/Düsseldorf , /2024/Portland , /2022/Berlin , and /2019/Berlin2 and feel free to braindump your comparative impressions here in the #indieweb-events channel. I'm mostly thinking of copying 20
DUS with some of the emoji treatment of 2024 PDX, however I'd like your thoughts & feelings about the different visuals, layouts, content, text copy etc. across those four.
[tantek]: I commented on this the other day. But...for BER, any ideas on improving the remote experience?
GWG, can I ask you to coordinate with Joschi directly on that? Reach out to him by email. I believe you can find him on http://tollwerk.de
[preview] [tollwerk GmbH] tollwerk | Barrierefreie Kommunikation · Web & Design · TYPO3
I know. I'm more thinking in the abstract
You've been to a lot of events...what do you feel like the essential elements of a good remote participation experience are?
Do we want to have something on the side for the remoters?
And such.
[aciccarello] and [morganm] joined the channel
[tantek] I think the PDX one has too many emojis. The emojis caught my eye before the text, and there were so many of them that I felt a bit overwhelmed (five visual assets above the fold: three emojis, one image, and the IWC logo).
I like the schedule table on the IWC Berlin page.
The colours make it stand out and easy to find when scrolling the page.
As an attendee, the schedule is usually what I am looking for most often, both before, during, and after the event.
GWG Perhaps marksuth[d] has notes on the experience as a remote attendee in Berlin in the past.
As for document order [tantek], I think the DUS page is well laid out.
Having a photo of the entranceway of the building like on DUS is helpful for people with anxiety like me for whom finding a venue can be an ordeal if the information isn't really clear.
We should have a sponsorship section too.
The list of directions written as it is on DUS is ideal: clear, concise, and direct.
I think that's all the comments I have right now. Let me know if you have any questions and when you have a document ready for review.
That really helps a lot capjamesg++
capjamesg has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (199 in all channels)
I will see what I can wikify accordingly
Tomorrow morning for me
Yes, make sure you get enough sleep [tantek]!
[marksuth], Zegnat and [Zegnat] joined the channel
I was really hoping to do BER, and to be in Germany again for my bday at the end of October, but I had to cancel all my current travel plans as I will be moving at the end of October. So I cannot currently commit to anything. If I end up going to BER, it will be a last minute.
to2ds joined the channel
[fluffy] joined the channel
[Event Updated] marksuth.dev updated "Sep 18, 2024 7:00pm Homebrew Website Club Europe/London" changed meeting_url https://events.indieweb.org/event/649/history/1849/diff
lazcorp joined the channel
to2ds joined the channel
remember to upload the photo, you absolute legend
pcarrier[d] you beat me to it 😄
jimw joined the channel
Venue rental if split enough ways could be not too bad
If we have economical venues
The question is what the threshold for people is
[manton] joined the channel
We have some OpenCollective funds we can use for renting some venues too
[tantek]: I know.. but we have to ask the question of what people attending might kick in
I hate to ask, but I'm a realist
I thought the OpenCollective money was to cover the cost of events?
(and tech costs, hosting, stickers, etc.)
[benatwork] joined the channel
yes capjamesg[d], that's the first place we try to turn to for such things