#events 2024-09-19

2024-09-19 UTC
to2ds joined the channel
I know...just thinking of the future
Sorry for the delay, nodded off. Long day
to2ds joined the channel
[capjamesg] heads-up, IndieWebCamp tickets link is up. Since you are helping co-organize, please set the donation amount to 0: https://ti.to/beyondtellerrand/berlin-2024/with/sotkto05u18
we need to set a capacity limit. I think from the last time I was in Berlin, we could fit 20 people in the conference room we did demos. Maybe 30 max? trying to remember who else here may have been at IWC Berlin 2019 (May or November) and how that felt
[New Event] jamesg.blog created "Oct 8, 2024 7:00pm Bonus Online Homebrew Website Club - Writing Edition" https://events.indieweb.org/YHrc7AkC5kO2
[Event Updated] jamesg.blog updated "Oct 8, 2024 7:00pm Homebrew Website Club - Writing Edition" changed name https://events.indieweb.org/event/664/history/1851/diff
[tantek] Done!
sebbu joined the channel