#known 2015-08-15

2015-08-15 UTC
benwerd and j12t joined the channel
endi, norguir and loic_m joined the channel
فمجموعة بشرية مصغرة, ضروري تلقى شي افراد الجماعة تتعامل معهم مع .. https://oualid.withknown.com/2015/--61
كاليك ماري انطونيط و على عكس ماهو متداول حول انها كانت تعيش .. https://oualid.withknown.com/2015/--62
هاد لعياشا ديال زبي و اللي بطبيعة الحال ممطالعينش على التاريخ .. https://oualid.withknown.com/2015/--63
الماليك معندو تاشي سلطة اقتصادية و ميقدر يدير تاشي تغيير .. https://oualid.withknown.com/2015/--64
j12t, endi and tantek joined the channel
@withknown Hi Ben & Erin. Testing out location posts on my hosted #KnownPro , when making posts Private they are .. http://www.raretrack.uk/2015/withknown-hi-ben-erin-testing-out-location-posts-on-my
tantek joined the channel
@raretrack Thanks for letting us know. We'll check on it!
@OnlineCrsLady Two tier commenting>content reflection on student websites (public); writing feedback on @withknown stream (private). #digped
After reading @erinjo post on IFFTT and RSS decided to set up this https://ifttt.com/recipes/233879-rss-to-android-notification to get notified of @withknown posts
@OnlineCrsLady Yet the writing feedback is open to other students in @withknown stream. #digped
@jgmac1106 @withknown that sounds cool! my writing comment stream is the comment RSS feeds of all the student blogs combined with @Inoreader
@jgmac1106 @withknown I've been meaning to ask that about Known: is there an RSS feed for the comment stream sep. from post content...?
@jgmac1106 @withknown I get AMAZING good energy when I read through the comment stream for my classes: infectious enthusiasm!
@OnlineCrsLady @withknown I stole that idea from you as well. Its a nice reminder to students when they can see the comment stream.
@jgmac1106 @withknown one of my requirements for blog platform of students (they choose what they prefer) is separate post/comment RSS feeds
@withknown @jgmac1106 OHHHHH, now that is a very cool idea!!! I will have to think on that. I wonder if I could make that work somehow...THX
cleverdevil joined the channel
cleverdevil and j12t joined the channel
FYI, just added support for photos to my Recipes plugin – https://github.com/cleverdevil/Known-Recipes
code reviews are much appreciated :)
cleverdevil joined the channel