#known 2015-08-16

2015-08-16 UTC
tantek and tef joined the channel
Is there a way to feed an RSS feed to a Known Site and have them show up as posts?
RamenJunkie: i don't think so.
RamenJunkie: I think the best option right now is to use Woodwind https://indiewebcamp.com/Woodwind
it's a RSS feed reader/writer that lets you reblog, reply, and favorite stuff in your RSS feed to your Known site
endi joined the channel
does anyone have a guess as to the next posted-release version of Known? I randomly grabbed the .zip from github a bit ago and think that might have to do with some of the syndication issues I'm experiences
thought maybe I'd wait until a version was deemed ready to post so I could rule Known out as far as diagnosing these issues
endi_, rhiaro_, norguir, endi, tantek, j12t, ben_thatmustbeme, Guest42962, ben_thatmust and tef joined the channel
!tell endi I think "officially" releases are approximately every two weeks, or at least try to be. Though most everyone I know just tracks HEAD for the latest and greatest...
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell benwerd d'you folk have a policy on blatant spam accounts? e.g. tophealthnews, etc.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
j12t joined the channel
norguir, j12t and tantek joined the channel
Just recommended @withknown to a teacher looking to run a class blog. Glad to be able to recommend a product that respects users and privacy
tantek joined the channel
!tell benwerd I forgot if I mentioned this before, think I did... your package download is http, not tls. You should probably include a sha hash (bonus points, signed sha hash) on the /opensource/ page so people can verify their package before they install it.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
j12t joined the channel
T sensiblemn Thanks, I'll look into Woodwind.
mapkyca++ for the TLS, Sha hash, signed hash suggestion for Known downloads.
mapkyca has 4 karma
tantek, TinoKremer and j12t joined the channel
RamenJunkie: here's another indieweb PuSH/RSS/Atom reader/writer http://indiewebcamp.com/Monocle
just in case you want to try both out and see which one works best for you
RamenJunkie: actually, i might be mistaken. Maybe Monocle only reads PuSH and not RSS/Atom. It's my understanding that Woodwind does all 3. http://indiewebcamp.com/2015/Indieweb_Reader
yeah Monocle only supports Microformats feeds with PuSH
j12t joined the channel
Dear @withknown I don't see replies or favs to any status comming from Twitter, despite of enabling interactions. What I'm doing wrong?
@withknown How can I help? Do you have PO files in your github repository to start with?
@withknown I have enabled it with the signup. As seeing here: https://offray.withknown.com/profile/offray Needs anything else or just patience? :-)
@offrayLC Replies can take a little while to arrive via brid.gy. It's also worth setting your Twitter URL to your Known site.
@offrayLC Not yet, but it's very high up our list of priorities.
Is it still the case that you have to put your Known site in your twitter profile? I thought I fixed that...
@offrayLC We don't have .po files yet, and we're still evaluating whether to use these or arrays. Probably will be gettext though.
@offrayLC Should just be patience. Sounds like you've done everything right!
@withknown You may need to re-authorize Bridgy now that you’ve updated your profile since it still doesn’t know… https://kylewm.com/2015/08/you-may-need-to-re-authorize-bridgy-now-that-you
@offrayLC @withknown You may need to re-authorize Bridgy now that you’ve updated your profile since it still… https://kylewm.com/2015/08/you-may-need-to-re-authorize-bridgy-now-that-you
travis-ci joined the channel
idno/Known#2366 (master - 17f436b : Ben Werdmuller): The build passed.
travis-ci joined the channel
idno/Known#2367 (master - a15fc5e : Ben Werdmuller): The build passed.
@kylewmahan @withknown After re-authorizing the app, seems working pretty fine. Thanks.
@kylewmahan @withknown What seems not working now is responding from known With "Leave Comment". See https://t.co/BayXpGhGby.
@offrayLC @kylewmahan That's on us - we'll check it out. Sorry about that.
@benwerd Hey, I'm curious about @withknown. It's a #FOSS platform, right? Does it federate, in the ways that #Diaspora or #RedMatrix can?
@benwerd @withknown Woah, neat! There's been some big progress in furthering federation tech (by #W3C and #TheFederation), thought I'd ask.
@benwerd @withknown keen to see larger collab between projects in the space. Currently #Diaspora, #Friendica, and #RedMatrix all federate.
j12t and tantek joined the channel