#known 2015-08-19

2015-08-19 UTC
benwerd joined the channel
@withknown tried to increase paragraph spacing in comments added .p-summary e-content { padding-bottom: 15px;} to css style. correct?
endi, endi_ and benwerd joined the channel
nice I like the banner showing the point release is available :D
darn, still no interactions coming from instagram posts :-\ oh well guess I'll just post directly to the Known site
tantek joined the channel
norguir and tantek joined the channel
There is a lot of Tom Brady in Hillary Clinton. Alt Title Clinton named starter after Brady suspension. https://tonyfleming.withknown.com/2015/there-is-a-lot-of-tom-brady-in-hillary-clinton
ummm, Loqi, posts like that are kind of annoying. can you stop posting *.withknown.com stuff?
thanks Loqi!
you're welcome
Loqi has 371 karma
Loqi, i've always liked you
loqi: where are you from?
oh, cold shoulder is it? fine, i'll stop talking to you
This hurt. I was just reading up on Batgirl last night. That was when it first clicked that she was the Orion .. https://tonyfleming.withknown.com/2015/this-hurt-i-was-just-reading-up-on-batgirl-last
huh - so every POSSE from *.withknown.com to Twitter is reported by Loqi?
j12t, edpw1, edpw, norguir and tantek joined the channel
tantek: looks like... might want to limit it to just (www.)?withknown.com and the @ & # tags...
although... it makes for an interesting feed
highlights a couple of issues though, as there are some blatent spam/linkfarm accounts being created...
@withknown hi, can't find much info on Known running on RaspberryPi. Possible? possibly on lighttpd?
@lzris @withknown Known team are probably asleep, so.. yes, absolutely possible (several folk do). Most with raspbian + apache + mysql.
@lzris @withknown You can also try the sqlite backend, which removes the need to run mysql/mongo/postgres
travis-ci joined the channel
mapkyca/idno#47 (master - 2e23e47 : Ben Werdmuller): The build passed.
j12t and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
@glynmoody it would be easy to export your blogspot to a @withknown selfhosted & then you're good to go!
j12t and tvn joined the channel
@diplix das wurde ja auch dynamisch per js erstellt. Versuche mich gerade an ein @withknown plugin
norguir, j12t, benborges and norguir1 joined the channel
Shouldn’t a Twitter fav appear as a star on a @withknown status update?
tef, j12t, cleverdevil, tvn, tantek, benwerd and norguir joined the channel
و انا اتسركل في الفايس بوك كالعادة بانت ليا واحد الساطة عندها .. https://oualid.withknown.com/2015/--70
travis-ci joined the channel
idno/Known#2385 (master - 688cca8 : Ben Werdmuller): The build passed.
j12t and travis-ci joined the channel
idno/Known#2386 (master - 12459c4 : Ben Werdmuller): The build passed.
misuba, tvn_ and j12t joined the channel
Anyone got a sec to help me troubleshoot Export?
misuba, tantek and benwerd joined the channel
Apologies if this is a known/dumb issue, but I’ve got an Export page that doesn’t seem to do anything
It says to check back in a few minutes; when I do, it gives me the button to start an export
rooting around in the code has proven unproductive thus far
it’d be really handy to have this working so I could finally switch off of Mongo
benwerd and cleverdevil joined the channel
oh here’s a wrinkle: public/Idno/Core/Migration.php:99 - "Cannot use object of type MongoId as array"
I’m going to be better off just manually migrating, aren’t I.
misuba: I've got a mongo test db... if I get a chance I'll try and beat that path down a bit tomorrow. Want to eventually move off mongo myself so it's probably something I'll get to eventually...
jfred, tantek, benwerd and j12t joined the channel