#known 2015-08-20

2015-08-20 UTC
El problema de las migraciones a medias o quizá de creer que a todos los sujetos enfermos les sirve la misma .. https://kaleemsagard.withknown.com/2015/el-problema-de-las-migraciones-a-medias-o-quiz-de
norguir, endi, loic_m, tvn and mapkyca joined the channel
top o' t'mornin' good folk of t'interwebs
KevinMarks and j12t joined the channel
!tell misuba try the following patch https://github.com/idno/Known/pull/1019 - might help. Can't test end to end myself because of #1018, but it works up to the point the process runs out of memory :)
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
j12t joined the channel
j12t joined the channel
Wow. that's a hashtag with some imagery...
j12t and tef joined the channel
hey mapkyca, I've got a quick Known noob question: where do you suggest adding rel="me" and rel="pgpkey" in a self-host Known install?
I've tried not to fiddle around with any of the php when it comes to Known
endi: pretty sure that profile urls on profile pages do rel="me" automatically. rel="pgpkey" is another matter, however one of my experimental pgp plugins I wrote a while back added this I think... you might be able to adapt the code...
j12t and benwerd joined the channel
ah ok. I didn't know if there was a .php file where I could append some rel= lines
I know the profile links are properly labeled but there may be some that I don't want as functional links
usually i would put them as <link rel="" href=""> in the header.. was wondering if there's an analogue I could do here that would put them into the headers of each page
hmmm... not at the moment, but there could be a case for a custom <head> plugin, if there isn't one already
failing that you could just manually put them into the template
benwerd joined the channel
iirc themes provide a more flexible mechanism for extending things (like headers) which may be a way to go
KNOWN SUCCESS: the first student joined today, and it is exactly the kind of thing I was hoping for! http://onlinemythindia.lauragibbs.net/2015/sanjay-patel YES! @withknown
Hmm that just made me think of the "Custom JavaScript" in the settings
I overlooked it because it said JavaScript rather than Header/Footer or JS/HTML etc
but yeah, what I was thinking was to hard code it into the theme or wherever you guys recommended; would complicate updates but definitely doable
travis-ci joined the channel
idno/Known#2391 (master - 179a7a5 : Ben Werdmuller): The build passed.
j12t and endi_ joined the channel
!tell misuba Ahh... looks like benwerd has merged that patch, so you could try pulling the latest.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
cleverdevil and j12t joined the channel
@SocialEurope in my case it's @withknown community open-source edition, but there are WP/blogger implementation, hopefully Drupal & others
@RikMende @withknown We’ll have a look. Thanks! We get good comments but loads of spam and nonsense too.
^^^ i'll take that as a +1 for some sort of comment moderation / spam filter. Loathed to implement akismet, although that might be a good stopgap.
benwerd: perhaps could be a useful feature for convoy...
Yes! That conversation is about native comments on other platforms, but I think the point stands.
cleverdevil: mapkyca left you a message 2 days, 7 hours ago: Indeed, this is an open ticket - https://github.com/idno/Known/issues/206
creating an `h-review` focused plugin (hopefully).
want to be sure I'm on the right track from a markup/output perspective.
(eventually, I'd like it to be able to POSSE over to silos like Goodreads, Amazon, etc.)
wonder if something along the lines of http://ssdeep.sourceforge.net/ might be useful - i.e. comment is hashed and sent to convoy server for analysis, then compared against a corpus of hashes of comments seen by other people in a fuzzy way (perhaps with a dictionary word local backup), might address privacy concerns. Just thinking aloud...
What if colleges and universities worked as a commune? Talk about flipping higher ed on its head. https://tonyfleming.withknown.com/2015/what-if-colleges-and-universities-worked-as-a-commune-talk
although I quite like the idea of using micro payments - comments require you to pay 0.01EUR or something, which is held in escrow until the comment is approved at which you get it back (or it gets donated to a charity of your choice), but you don't get it back if it's spam. Introduces an economic cost for at scale spamming...
again, just thinking aloud
cleverdevil: that looks really good to me
Syndicating reviews to Amazon would be amazing. But it's also, quietly, a simple way for people to optionally make money from their own sites, by including affiliate links inside the things they recommend.
I've been wanting to start writing movie reviews since forever (I used to do that on the side at the Edinburgh Festivals), and this would be great for that.
well, I'll get the foundation going :)
my PHP is still very very rusty, so some of the sync stuff is likely being be for a while.
but, yes, that's absolutely my vision for this.
being able to do as many types of reviews, with syndication to other sites, including affiliate links.
Very cool indeed.
one thing I am struggling with is the "category" stuff.
technically speaking, it could be a review for pretty much anything.
my gut says it'd be nice to have a pre-defined list of typical review types (Book, Movie, Generic Product, Restaurant, etc.)
otherwise, it's likely to end up being wild-west.
That's probably a good idea - remembering that people can always extend the plugin if they need to review anything you haven't covered
@withknown @benwerd is twere a way to load custum js & css for genericDataTypes or only for custom entities?
j12t joined the channel
RT @jgmac1106: @OnlineCrsLady In once class I installed the @hypothes tools in @withknown custom js. Really easy and then can annotate wit…
ben_thatmustbeme, mattl and tef joined the channel
can I also suggest @withknown as a way to keep all your social media under your own control, push to other services? #msudai
(and @withknown is a 1-click install on @ReclaimHosting . (I have no fiduciary interest in Reclaim). #msudai)
tantek joined the channel
benwerd: when creating a new content-type plugin (say, for reviews), and doing a dropdown, should I just use <select>?
or should I try and do something more like the stylized "dropdown" for access-control/ACL
j12t joined the channel
cleverdevil: I'd say it's entirely up to you and your goals. There's no "right way" - we used the divs to have a little more control over the style.
I think it'll look better if its consistent.
so, I'll try and clone the look.
so, I think in future versions of Known, it'd be nice to have this functionality be common.
meaning, plugin authors can pull in some sort of utility to create and style these types of dropdowns.
for consistency.
norguir, tantek and j12t joined the channel
okay, feedback requested :)
note the "Review" icon
this is what it looks like
oops, I mean this:
j12t joined the channel
cleverdevil: looks really good, how about switching out the "Product Name" prompt and placeholder depending on the selected product type?
and then maybe for version 2 you could pull the book cover or movie poster or whatever for different content types :)
good suggestions.
benwerd joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel