#known 2015-08-28

2015-08-28 UTC
Madgod, tantek and benwerd joined the channel
benwerd, sensiblemn, loic_m, norguir and norguir1 joined the channel
benborges joined the channel
benborges and norguir joined the channel
benborges, tantek, norguir, norguir1, tvn, j12t, sensiblemn and tommorris joined the channel
^^^ spam?
j12t joined the channel
tantek: loki is posting *.withknown.com to the channel unfortunately, but yeah, it seems known is getting a bunch of spam accounts. Not sure what ben and erin's plans are in this regard
mapkyca: indeed, I'm eagerly waiting and watching to see what they do.
I have been doing research and documenting existing practices on this here: http://indiewebcamp.com/report_abuse (please feel free to expand with more examples!)
they don't seem to be posseing as of yet, which is something, just using the domain to host the spam. My worry would be that twitter might take a view and flag the whole domain, which will be a shame for many reasons
tantek: thanks for the link, will take a look...
or google might flag the whole domain
indeed... :/
travis-ci joined the channel
mapkyca/idno#54 (master - 76129e3 : Ben Werdmuller): The build was fixed.
tantek: started the ball rolling and opened a ticket - https://github.com/idno/Known/issues/1033
if i get time I'll try and put together a PR over the weekend if nobody else gets there first
mapkyca++ thanks for getting the ball rolling. I added the above links as reference.
mapkyca has 5 karma
j12t, benborges, norguir1, norguir and benwerd joined the channel
benwerd: there was some discussion of spam earlier, see #1033
travis-ci joined the channel
idno/Known#2419 (master - 7f66bd0 : Ben Werdmuller): The build passed.
Checking it out
This is cute and a little hilarious. Tempted to implement as a plugin. https://hashcash.io/index.html
urrrm? it's a little handwavey as to what it actually does...
or does it implement the escrow micropayment stuff I suggested before?
i.e. you pay 0.02EUR to have your 0.02EUR ;) which is held in escrow until moderated, at which point you get it back
you pay in clock cycles instead of actual money
supposed to be transparent if you are commenting like a normal person, and impossible if you want to send out 100,000 spam comments
cute, although my experience of comment spam/login attacks is that they're almost always curl scripts that enumerate the form and then post directly to the form action, so don't load any resources (and so won't load their fancy .js stuff). Nice idea, but I think needs more work...
hmm, other than the topic, there's nothing particularly spammy about https://opportunityforseoexpert.withknown.com/ ... coherent writing, not posting a ton, not a bunch of links
reads ToS
aye, I'd be tempted not to swing the ban hammer too hard, but a report function would probably still be prudent
my fear with known (hosted) and then known (self hosted + social networking stuff finally implemented) is that it becomes a tool of harrasment - e.g. 100000 of sock puppets going after women who have opinions while being on the internet. I'd certainly like to see distributable block lists etc, but I guess that's not directly related...
j12t joined the channel
Yeah, for the record, we're aware of sites like this (we've been passed around in SEO circles) and are watching for now. We also can't proactively cut under safe harbor rules - we're not editorially responsible for content on peoples' Known sites. But a "report" function *is* prudent.
We're obviously also registered with DMCA etc etc.
cleverdevil joined the channel
Hmmm, now that one was using POSSE to spam... although as kylewm pointed out, it's not a link farm.
probably just need to change the loki rule to be https?://(www.)?withknown.com and @withknown...
benwerd, benwerd_ and j12t joined the channel
@RikMende Oh no! We're sorry to hear that. Very frustrating. If you're self-hosting, it may be worth checking to .. http://stream.withknown.com/2015/rikmende-oh-no-were-sorry-to-hear-that-very-frustrating
.@withknown self-hosting indeed...my version is Version: 0.8.2 I think I'm missing the latest version.. thanks for .. http://www.rmendes.net/2015/withknown-self-hosting-indeedmy-version-is-version-082-i-think-im
travis-ci joined the channel
mapkyca/idno#55 (master - 7f66bd0 : Ben Werdmuller): The build passed.
All right just moved to Known: Version @withknown let's see how it goes, keep up the good work! I'm .. http://www.rmendes.net/2015/all-right-just-moved-to-known-version-0831-withknown-lets
I need to find a way to know when @withknown individual plugins are updated, get an alert or a task telling me I .. http://www.rmendes.net/2015/i-need-to-find-a-way-to-know-when-withknown
@RikMende You're welcome. We'll keep working to make the sessions more stable so that these problems don't happen in the future.
note to self: find @withknown documentation related to its template system, it's about time to customize this .. http://www.rmendes.net/2015/note-to-self-find-withknown-documentation-related-to-its-template
j12t joined the channel
aaronpk: is it easy to tamp down Loqi's twitter search filter?
i can easily exclude specific words
and accounts
maybe the best we can do is search for withknown and exclude withknown.com :/
yeah that'd probably work
benwerd, cleverdevil, KevinMarks, cleverdevil-, tantek and tvn_ joined the channel