#known 2015-08-29

2015-08-29 UTC
benwerd, tantek, j12t and norguir joined the channel
Stockhausen 1964年作品「麥克風術一(Mikrophonie I)」演奏錄影。本作翻轉了麥克風被動收� .. https://wolfenstein.withknown.com/2015/stockhausen-1964mikrophonie-iehxu7wqcu0y
j12t, norguir, mapkyca, benborges, benwerd, kylewm, jfred and mapkycalog joined the channel
انا فاش كندوي على المراة هادا لا يعني انني ضد انتى الانسان بنفس .. https://oualid.withknown.com/2015/--88
j12t joined the channel
It's right there, no more than ten feet away, my sweet release from this world. If only I had the courage to take .. https://reasonsididntkillmyselftoday.withknown.com/2015/its-right-there-no-more-than-ten-feet-away-my
j12t and davidmead joined the channel
can anyone guide me on importing a hosted withknown site into a self-hosted one? the export seems tohave changed in what it contains
Hey @benwerd. Any documentation on importing a @withknown hosted site to a self-hosted version? The export contents have changed.
j12t and tantek joined the channel
j12t joined the channel