#known 2015-08-30

2015-08-30 UTC
norguir and j12t joined the channel
@withknown is there a way to quickly generate a list of all tags used on a known site?
j12t, tantek, benborges, norguir and norguir1 joined the channel
I found this podcast a little while ago, it's really interesting. The BBC does thoughtful pieces, at least in .. https://kflanagan.withknown.com/2015/i-found-this-podcast-a-little-while-ago-its-really
norguir and j12t joined the channel
RamenJunkie joined the channel
@withknown Good morning! When I upload a photo, what directory is it uploaded to? I can't seem to find it in /Uploads. Thanks!
j12t joined the channel
@deieio @withknown Have a look in your config.ini, there should be an uploadpath setting...
j12t joined the channel
j12t and davidmead joined the channel
davidmead and j12t joined the channel
@mapkyca @withknown Pics in posts I delete aren't deleted on the server so in trying to cleanup, I expected /images and got confused.
@mapkyca @withknown I get that Known isn't blog software but I didn't expect digging through all the subdir to solve my problem. But thanks!
#QOTD "we will end up ‘a society that grows ever richer, but in which all the gains in wealth accrue to whoever .. https://offray.withknown.com/2015/qotd-we-will-end-up-a-society-that-grows-ever
tantek joined the channel