#known 2015-08-31

2015-08-31 UTC
j12t, jfred_ and davidmead joined the channel
anyone help with importing a withknonw site into another withknown site?
j12t, tvn and norguir joined the channel
j12t, tantek and davidmead joined the channel
Wiener measure: "a rigorous way to talk about the collective behavior of wiggly curves or flexible .. https://mshook.withknown.com/2015/wiener-measure-a-rigorous-way-to-talk-about-the-collective
travis-ci joined the channel
idno/Known#2422 (master - 5e14921 : Ben Werdmuller): The build passed.
#Google freely excludes sites from its index for reasons that it is under no obligation to disclose—the secrets .. https://offray.withknown.com/2015/google-freely-excludes-sites-from-its-index-for-reasons-that
#AlternativeWeb Where Otlet and Wells envisioned publicly funded, trans-national organizations, we now have an .. https://offray.withknown.com/2015/alternativeweb-where-otlet-and-wells-envisioned-publicly-funded-trans-national-organizations
travis-ci joined the channel
idno/Known#2423 (master - 7973094 : Ben Werdmuller): The build passed.
travis-ci joined the channel
idno/Known#2424 (master - 32866d7 : Ben Werdmuller): The build has errored.
tantek joined the channel
@deieio We have some ideas about how to make this better, but we'd love to hear your feedback.
@deieio This is important; thanks for highlighting. We'll check into photos not being deleted. A media manager may also help here. @mapkyca
tantek joined the channel
benwerd and travis-ci joined the channel
idno/Known#2425 (master - 9e3ffe8 : Ben Werdmuller): The build passed.
tvn_, j12t, erinjo, benwerd and Enebe-nb joined the channel
tvn joined the channel