#known 2015-09-12

2015-09-12 UTC
KevinMarks and tantek joined the channel
j12t, KevinMarks, tantek and norguir joined the channel
j12t, loic_m_ and tantek joined the channel
We're looking forward to presenting @Wavelist at @MediaShift Collab/Space at @KQED this morning!
loic_m_ joined the channel
So definitely check out what @benwerd is working on at @withknown — If you're following me there's a good chance it'll interest you.
KevinMarks joined the channel
j12t, KevinMarks and jfred joined the channel
Know gamers in South King, Pierce counties? Help spread word of my tabletop gaming invite in Covington? https://freyheim.withknown.com/2015/tabletoping-in-suburbia #WA