#known 2015-09-13

2015-09-13 UTC
j12t and KevinMarks joined the channel
Anyone else using @withknown via @ReclaimHosting? I just started playing with it--looks super cool to connect everything. Any fave tips?
j12t and norguir joined the channel
RT @Profrehn: Anyone else using @withknown via @ReclaimHosting? I just started playing with it--looks super cool to connect everything. Any…
norguir, loic_m_, j12t, tvn and tvn_ joined the channel
@Profrehn @withknown @ReclaimHosting Love it as a photo and bookmarking tool. Working on syndicating my WordPress http://known.jimgroom.com
j12t and loic_m_ joined the channel
j12t and KevinMarks joined the channel
norguir1, KevinMarks, j12t, jfred_, jfred__, kylewm_ and sensiblemn joined the channel