#known 2016-09-14

2016-09-14 UTC
davidmead, tantek and loicm_ joined the channel
https://withknown.com - A single website for all your content. #linux_everyday
tantek joined the channel
tantek and loicm_ joined the channel
@withknown I figured it out; means unread notifications. So how do I see the notifications within the site?
tantek and ncollig joined the channel
Hey, I can't get status or post published to twitter, despite that the twitter setting in known tells me that twitter is connected, and the twitter app page says so as well. Any idea how to troubleshoot or what I can do?
ncollig: mapkyca left you a message 1 day, 21 hours ago: check that the actual module is installed and activated. Curl might be installed, but that might not mean the module is!
Fixed it. Wrong API keys :-)
tantek joined the channel
@withknown ok. I pulled from master a week or so ago. Wasn't sure
@finalcut Notifications shouldn't be in the most recent release.
@finalcut Do you have a self-hosted site? It looks like you have a version where some partially-complete features crept into a release.