#known 2016-09-15

2016-09-15 UTC
j12t joined the channel
j12t and j12t_ joined the channel
@withknown Hey, check your ssl certificate expiration…
tantek, j12t, RamenJunkie, loicm_ and ncollig joined the channel
mapkycalog and ncollig joined the channel
any advice on what to setup in order to easily publish from an rss reader to my known platform?
(on Android)
j12t joined the channel
@CaptainKurtis @withknown turns out the vast majority of those notifications are spam links.. uggh
pvagner, ncollig, cweiske and plindner joined the channel
ncollig: url forwarder is an app i've heard works well
ncollig, tantek, Loqi and sensiblemn joined the channel