#OxgrothOh no! Known experienced a problem! Known experienced a problem with this page and couldn't continue. The technical details are as follows: Fatal Error: /var/www/html/known/web/IdnoPlugins/IndiePub/Main.php:61 - "Call to a member function getAPIkey() on a non-object", on page known.vallettix.com/ If you continue to have problems, open source users have a number of resources available
#Oxgrothany idea what would be the problem on that one ? cant really get it from searching on the internet
#mapkycaare you using the latest build off github, or the downloadable .zip (which others have remarked is now rather old)
#mapkycalet me know how it goes... there have been many many fixes since the last official binary
#mapkycaif it's still not working for you then submit a bug report with as much detail as you can to reproduce...
[eddie], [kevinmarks], loicm and j12t joined the channel
#dgoldthat's not an error in the main core of known though, that's an error in a Plugin
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
#[cleverdevil]are there any plans for actually rolling up a new release, @mapkyca?
#[cleverdevil]I'm running the latest stable release on my site, and I'm not particularly excited about running my site directly off of the latest version in git.
#jaduncan[m]@mapkyca: regarding releases, I feel it's worth mentioning I've had several people ask if Known is a live project based on the long period between releases and low activity on the Known social stream and blog.
#aaronpkwhat do you suppose is an indicator of a project being alive based on release schedule?
#aaronpkis there some time limit? is it just "regular" at any interval?
#[cleverdevil]Its hard to say. Its sort of a soft, subjective thing.
#[cleverdevil]I think a project like Known that hasn't had an official release in over a year definitely raises eyebrows, though.
#[cleverdevil]I'd guess a reasonable rule of thumb would be something on the order of 2-3 releases a year at a minimum.
#jaduncan[m]Known had fairly regular releases up to 9.1, released 9.2 but didn't do a release post for it, and since then have had lots of action in Github but not much on their blog. The last post is listed as being published "about a year ago" and the last release is also.
#jaduncan[m]If I didn't know better, I would also conclude that an organisation that has not done any releases or social media for around a year would look somewhat like it was dead or on life support.
#jaduncan[m]I love Known as a project, I'm not trying to be terrible or unappreciative here. Absent github and IRC activity I would assume that, though, and 99.9% of potential users aren't going to look at either.
#jaduncan[m]Combine that with the current inability to sign up for hosted Known as an individual or any obvious signposting to where to do so, and it is not really something that is going to look like it is aimed at appealing to individual users.
#[cleverdevil]Same here, love the project, and very much value the activity and work that's going on ?
#[cleverdevil]To be fair, I think that the realities of building a viable business around the project have moved the focus to groups.
#[cleverdevil]That said, I think there's huge benefit to the project and the business to attract more users.
#jaduncan[m]Yes. But even then, a release schedule and occasional blog posts also signal health to institutional buyers.
#jaduncan[m]If I was looking at site licences, at present I'd have concerns...and that's not how I want Known to look, because I think it's an important project.
#jaduncan[m]IMHO (and, again, this is intended to be instructive criticism) devoting a couple of hours a week to edtech social updates and/or posts talking about new features being developed would both potentially bring in press/eyeballs/sales leads and serve as a proof of life/interest. The ROI seems potentially good.
#jaduncan[m]That is why pretty much every startup does social. Given the project aims of Known, it's a little unfortunate that it isn't doing the same.
#jaduncan[m]There's a really big use case for people that want to share, and a set of potential buyers that are into social and edtech.
#jaduncan[m]But yeah, at the least I would say that from outside it looks like leaving the blog completely unmaintained is a bad plan, because it makes things look unattended in general.