#known 2017-04-17

2017-04-17 UTC
[mko], JHSheridan, tantek, [jhsheridan] and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
um, Known considers "likes" and "reposts" to be bookmarks?
and it doesn't have "u-like-of" markup??
I pushed up some more fixes here https://github.com/idno/Known/pull/1690
tantek and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
aaronpk has 5 karma in this channel (1285 overall)
I think that will help dispel some of the confusion I get when sharing bookmarks from Known.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
jeremycherfas Your G&T issue sounds like a character that needs to be escaped to display properly. Your best bet is to file it as a bug in https://github.com/idno/Known/issues
[smth], [cleverdevil], [jeremycherfas], loicm_, j12t, anton1, [kevinmarks], podviaznikov and davidmead joined the channel