#known 2017-04-18

2017-04-18 UTC
Guest35655, [mko], davidmead, jaduncan[m], sensiblemn, [chrisaldrich], j12t, [jhsheridan], loicm_, Torsten_, loicm__, [kevinmarks], [jeremycherfas], mapkyca, endi and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
Random question - I've just set up Known 0.9.2, and I've just set up the FB plugin.
I have created an app, which seems fine.
It recognises the login on FB.
When it bounces back to my domain, I get this:
"Fatal Error: /home/jaduncan/public_html/IdnoPlugins/Facebook/external/facebook-sdk/src/Facebook/FacebookRedirectLoginHelper.php:176 - "Cannot use object of type stdClass as array", on page www.jaduncan.com/facebook/callback?code=XXXX"
(where XXXX is a long and private code)
Any ideas what might be causing the array error?
j12t and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Not sure, but I've seen similar things in other plugins. Sometimes it's an issue of all the files in the plugin not downloading properly. Perhaps reinstall on your server and try again?
then re-enable the plugin and try again
Maybe. I'll see what I can do just futzing around if it's some kind of random error rather than something systemic.
also try updating to the latest git version? there have been lots of fixes since 0.9.2
j12t and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
jaduncan[m]: 0.9.2 was over a year ago; I think that half or more of the self-hosters are running off of the latest in github without any major issues; I've got one of each (with nearly every plugin out there) which both seem to be doing fine.
I'm trying to avoid that, just on the basis that this is semi-managed (auto-updates) hosting with Reclaim and I'll be away from the net for long periods for a while. I might have to, though. Not having FB publishing is annoying. I'm also aware it works on 0.9.2 in general, so I have no idea what is going on.
j12t joined the channel
Google has a new AI experiment. AutoDraw helps you draw on your phone or computer. https://www.blog.google/topics/machine-learning/fast-drawing-everyone/
j12t_, funwhilelost, j12t and [keithjgrant] joined the channel