#known 2017-04-19

2017-04-19 UTC
j12t, [kevinmarks], tantek_ and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
Hey, folks. Is Postgres officially supported in Known?
Same question re: SQLite?
loicm_ and tantek_ joined the channel
I can confirm that the bug also occurs on github master. I'll file it. I wonder if this is some kind of F8 change or just some oddness on Reclaim.
My test domain still worked on the account that was already signed in, but when I disconnected and reconnected I got the same error.
So no software changes there since last time it worked.
Oh, FB.
tantek_, [kevinmarks], j12t and mapkyca joined the channel
looks interesting
might throw a comment about that onto the google group
j12t, [kevinmarks] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
dgold As a replacement for the current editor, or to consider instead of Quill?
[dgold] joined the channel
Quill.js, not quill.p3k
Yes, to consider instead of quill
Right. That bit I took as read. ?
[kevinmarks], loicm_, [cleverdevil], j12t and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
0.9.2 is going on a year old and I know there have been a ton of fixes. Any chance on locking in a new release soon?
Or do you consider master stable enough?
[chrisaldrich] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
I've been asking that same question for a long time, and I finally bit the bullet and switched to master.
It works great.
cleverdevil: Thanks, will do
For those who are interested, I've been working on an "On this day" implementation for Known.
Shows posts on (or very nearly on) the current day over the years.
That said, it currently requires me to patch Known core to enable "<" and ">" in search queries, which I've only implemented for MySQL.
j12t and funwhilelost joined the channel
cleverdevil++ for on this day, that's awesome!
cleverdevil has 5 karma in this channel (31 overall)
j12t joined the channel
cleverdevil: are likes/reposts &c working on master?
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
They seem to be, yes.
That said, there are a few bugs when creating them with Micropub via Quill, which I've opened issues with in GitHub, including examples.
raretrack, j12t and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
dgold When I looked recently, it appeared to me that likes and reposts were directly built into the core "Like" plugin in master rather than needing the separate KnownReactions plugin for 0.9.2.
okay - I might just move to master then, and leave reactions out altogether.
I think that will mean that my existing reactions will be lost, though
Hmm, I have just enabled the core likes and reposts and then disabled reactions, don't see them though. Am I doing something wrong?
Are you running the latest from master?
I'm hosted, is it easy to tell?
If you're hosted, you're almost certainly not running master.
That's really a question for Known The Company, though.
Ah well, I'll just re-enable the plugin for now
So, for my On This Day plugin, I am curious if a pull requests to Core would be accepted that implements a feature *only* in the MySQL backend, and not in PostgreSQL, SQLite, or MongoDB.
From my understanding, MongoDB is deprecated.
So, that's likely out.
j12t, funwhilelost and [eddie] joined the channel