#known 2017-04-20

2017-04-20 UTC
davidmead, [kevinmarks], funwhilelost, tantek_ and j12t joined the channel
What's the upshot of using an editor like Quill instead of the normal Known interface?
I understand the benefits for a service like OwnYourGram (where the posts are automated) but not for a normal post.
a full-featured editor built in to the site is probably going to be a better experience than using Quill
however it's entirely possible that your site may support post types that don't have native interfaces for creating them. or, Quill might have some features that the native interface doesn't have, or you just might like it better
it's potentially even more beneficial when you're talking about native apps. you may have a native app that is easier to use from your phone than the Known website.
j12t, tantek_, [chrisaldrich], loicm_, loicm, jeremycherfas, seekr, mapkyca, [jeremycherfas], rhiaro, benthatmustbe, btmb, [kevinmarks], jeremycherfas_ and [dgold] joined the channel