mapkyca!tell raucao: Just catching up - feeds on comments is already filed as an issue/feature request, but nobody has got to it yet. As others have also mentioned, there is a notifications page, but the link was removed in the last release because it needs some work ... if folk want to take that on that'd be awesome, I've certainly not had time :)
Loqiraucao: mapkyca left you a message 1 minute ago: Just catching up - feeds on comments is already filed as an issue/feature request, but nobody has got to it yet. As others have also mentioned, there is a notifications page, but the link was removed in the last release because it needs some work ... if folk want to take that on that'd be awesome, I've certainly not had time :)
mapkycaraucao: Put together a little pull request which brings back notifications, and among other things, adds an RSS feed to notification items :) ... will hold off on merging until I confer with ben and kyle, since notifications were removed for "UI reasons", but I'm not sure what those were, other than the read/unread class names being wrong. Meanwhile, feel free to kick the tires :)
mapkycaFyi, I've restored the notifications page for now, with some basic cosmetic work to make it a little more usable. Still needs a lot of work, and I think Ben and Erin want to explore different ways of representing this data, but since we're mid release it seems sensible to have some existing code to work with...
tanteke.g. anything where otherwise you might say "just look at it in a reader" implies that a theme could have such a "reader stream" template in the theme that could be applied to any new h-feed page
tantek[cleverdevil]: the point is, if someone could say "I just want to see it in a reader" - implies that they don't care for its presentation to be any different than a generic stream
[cleverdevil]I'd have to look in more detail, but I definitely think that the current notifications page in Known could potentially be re-envisioned as an alternate "stream" type view.
tantekthen later, as a separate incremental step, if someone feels like it deserves more custom treatment, they could create a custom template for it. but keeping that as a second strictly optional step would help with more rapidly deploying new stream-like features.