Loqimapkyca: jeremycherfas left you a message 21 hours, 48 minutes ago: I asked about the length of the HMAC because I was struck by the coincidence that the final character in two different HMACs - for status/edit and /like/edit - was the same “=“. And when I counted, there were 45 characters, including the “=“. So will try again with 44 chars, but probably not today.
mapkyca!tell jeremycherfas The "=" is padding in base64, so probably isn't relevant. Like I said, check the Known logs - it'll tell you what it's expecting and what the comparison token is being formed over. You should be able to spot where things are going wrong relatively easily...
Loqijeremycherfas: mapkyca left you a message 1 hour, 48 minutes ago: The "=" is padding in base64, so probably isn't relevant. Like I said, check the Known logs - it'll tell you what it's expecting and what the comparison token is being formed over. You should be able to spot where things are going wrong relatively easily...
mapkycaWouldn't hurt, but it won't help much with the token generation :) .... that stuff was scratching an itch to allow an API based client to automatically get a sense of what fields were expected for each endpoint
[pfefferle], [colinwalker], jeremycherfas, loicm, jeremycherfas_, [cleverdevil], [kevinmarks], j12t and raretrack joined the channel