#known 2017-08-22
2017-08-22 UTC
[kevinmarks], [manton], [cleverdevil], loicm, [pfefferle], schmarty, jeremycherfas and mapkyca joined the channel
[kevinmarks] and j12t joined the channel
[colinwalker], Zegnat, wakest, pvagner, schmarty, plindner, [kevinmarks], j12t, loicm and travis-ci joined the channel
j12t and travis-ci joined the channel
[miklb], [kevinmarks] and travis-ci joined the channel
[miklb], [manton], j12t, raretrack, j12t_, j12t__ and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
# I love teaching .@withknown, but googling for answers is really challenging. ( twitter.com/_/status/900128770186657793)