#known 2018-03-20

2018-03-20 UTC
[snarfed], [kevinmarks], [miklb], chrisaldrich, tantek, mapkyca, jeremycherfas, [mrkrndvs], [pfefferle], loicm, brandon and [eddie] joined the channel
tantek and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
@zmoglesby @WithKnown I just posted my first "official" one yesterday, but it was to my @WordPress site... :( My guess is that there's not a huge amount of interest in general based on the extant examples, but if it's an itch for you, then venture forth!
[Vanessa], [chrisaldrich], [eddie] and [gerwitz] joined the channel
@withknown trying out Known on Nginx /PHP FPM 7.1 but can't seem to import from WP. Getting a "We couldn't open the file you uploaded" error
chrisaldrich, tantek, [cleverdevil] and benwerd joined the channel