#known 2019-01-21

2019-01-21 UTC
[xavierroy], [chrisaldrich], mapkyca and [voss] joined the channel
Would anyone know, when I connect to the #knownchat on riot.im, why I can't post? I can post from the Slack bridge, which I'm doing now, but in riot.im I don't have permissions to post?
jeremych_, [smerrill] and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
Flickr @withknown users; from yesterday, this might be handy for you...
[kevinmarks] and [schmarty] joined the channel
!tell [@mapkyca] Any idea why RSS adds an enclosure for a photo post when the photo is already in the CDATA?
[davidmead] joined the channel
There seems to be a lot of disparity (for obvious reasons) with the way plugins display posts in Known. Think I’m going to start mapping the UX/UI changes I’d like to see, before diving in and ham-fisting the code 🙂
[xavierroy], [schmarty], [kevinmarks], [tantek], [eddie], chrisaldrich and j12t joined the channel