[davidmead]!tell mapkyca I’m starting on a Known theme. Is there a best approach in overriding the bootstrap styles? I’ve copied the Solo theme as a base
[voss][davidmead] was thinking of starting on a new theme myself. I found something in the docs about how to start making a new theme, did you check that out for directions?
[jgmac1106][davidmead] in terms of new themes open issue to move from bootstrap to grid overall, the theme documentation isn't bad most just change a few colors and fonts
[davidmead]jgmac1106 I guess I’m looking to overhaul more stuff. things like <h1> appearing above, then below, nav depending on plugin or post type…as well as the colours 😉
[eddie], chrisaldrich, [pfefferle], [frank], [Rose], anglophilic, seekr, [Dilara_Cakir], [kevinmarks], [xavierroy], [Vincent] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106]davidmead you may want to figure out how to remove the link preview on Twitter, it basically repeates the tweet twice and unnecessarily attaches your u-photo to every post. Forget how I took it off
[xavierroy], [jgmac1106], [kevinmarks] and [davidmead] joined the channel
[voss]What's the benefit of using URL shorteners these days? I considered it a few times, but realising that it would be something I would have to support myself for eternity, quickly takes the convenience out of it for me.