#known 2019-02-14
2019-02-14 UTC
[grantcodes], [tantek], [xavierroy], [schmarty], anglophilic, tantek, yoshi5551, [Rose], [pfefferle], [jgmac1106], [Vincent], seekr, [deeden], [davidmead], [eddie], [cleverdevil], [pt], chrisaldrich, mcverryj1 and TimB joined the channel
# After 10 years my @Wordpress blog is no more. Time to consolidate everything on my @withknown site. Thanks to @wp2static the content of the blog is still available as static HTML. ( twitter.com/_/status/1096167847884193792)
# Glad it has helped you, Björn! Great to see your love of #indieweb and #decentralized. @withknown is looking great, too! ( twitter.com/_/status/1096168614498000896)
[tantek] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel