[jgmac1106]Notice you will not see any syndicated poar on my micro blog site. The stuff you syndicate shows up in your feed and not on your site as a post.
jeremycherfasAh. Because I do not have a hosted site at MB, I have never understood that distinction. But as everything from you is everywhere, it has never bothered me that I might miss something from you. :)
[jgmac1106]Yeah that is true but if I can figure that out I can intentional about communities and cross posting and decontextual replies.... But it would be cool
seekr, Zegnat, sknebel, bradenslen, [kevinmarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106]okay this is driving me crazy... How can a="href" work for bridgy fed but link="href" does not.....I have tried <link> inside and oustide of content in status updates
[jgmac1106]I think the meme maker will be a fun and easy one to work, color selector and fonbt choice no way in an MVP but I think I can wrap each image in a div (maybe background but I hate content in CSS) and then overlay an h1 and h2
[cleverdevil]You want to make it so that things you post on your Known site also show up on your Micro.blog *site*, not just in your Micro.blog *stream*.
@edheil↩️ Oh, I know known and like it a lot! Was using it previously. I just wanted native comments (not just webmentions) and didn't think it had them. But I wonder if it was just that I didn't activate a plugin for it, I see there is one. (twitter.com/_/status/1096454490335649793)
[cleverdevil]Then, you'd be able to toggle on syndication from your Known site to your Micro.blog site, which would result in the post showing up in both places.
@edheil↩️ also, I thought maybe it would be good for me to use something more mainstream, just for the experience of it and the options it would open up re: plugins/themes/etc. Turns out I kind of hate most wordpress themes though & love the look of known (twitter.com/_/status/1096454751330418688)
[jgmac1106]okay i don't have the time today (and last two days of my 14 day HAM radio challenge ..that I didn't start...but I figure I got a 65% on pretest ,may only take a few hours) but I will roll this out in Austin (more likely get people to fix what I mess up)
@edheil↩️ well geez, @withknown totally has comments if you activate the darn plugin. I worry a little about spam control. I mean, withknown probably has some security-thru-obscurity, but still.... (twitter.com/_/status/1096460733741707264)
plindner[m]I'm happy to have sparked the IPFS flame :) -- I believe that we need to get the various aligned movements working to reinforce each other. Having indieweb use IPFS or DAT is making one connection, there are many more we can choose to do and in the process build solidarity between our respective communities.
[jgmac1106]yes thank for the Enterprise support, every Patreon or collective contribution I make is a long conversation in my house... $5 a month adds up. Sounds sad but true
[jgmac1106]almost did micropub but folks talked him out of it....Federations need fuedal lords....but yeah Gargron has to put up with so much nonsense, no matter what he does someonew will declare him a nazi lover,
[jgmac1106]He does have legit differences towards privacy and webmentions, but Known has most of the federation code already done for ActivityPub...and who is to say a worlkd driven by wesub, micropub, microsub, and webmentions won't be better? I don't need critical mass, my friends make mass because I hang with alchemists
plindner[m]For now POSSE to Mastodon is working fine for me. I'm using social.coop to host since I can't touch AGPL, and I support and participate in the Platform Coop movement.
[jgmac1106]how are you not getting kicked off for POSSE, I wasn't allowed in social.coop since I own a for profit company I did not open source. I must be capitalist swine (truth my partner can't let his employer know how much outside work he does).
plindner[m]I got lucky? I didn't realize there were rulez? Right now social.coop signups are closed because folks still need to get the governance side in order. I would think that Known platform would be a great solution to all those home-schooling coops that are out there.
[ken]Hmm, so after I share my blog post on my Known instance to both Twitter and Mastodon (directly, so yes I am probably "doing it wrong"). I get a callback that "Ken Bauer replied to your post" via Twitter. Would it make sense to filter out my own replies to my own post here? Signed, newbie. Link to my post: https://known.kenbauer.me/2019/02/15/back-to-smalltalk
[ken]Another question that perhaps someone has an answer to. I setup Flickr with an app (API Key/secret and using the callback from the Site Config) but when I go to make the connection from my Known Account Settings, I get sent to the Flickr services/auth page and:
[ken]Thanks [cleverdevil] , I should just click the buttons when posting to share it out. I have connections setup for LinkedIn (I almost never go there but am intrigued to see what connections I can run across there), Twitter and Mastodon. Experimenting. I jumped on Known when it was first released thanks to [benatwork] and Erin Jo. I had my students using Known then (and some still) and Ben was amazing helping us out with the RSS feeds and connecting th