#mapkycaYep, some fairly major changes all landing at once. Blog post to follow.
#Loqimapkyca: [davidmead] left you a message 15 hours, 45 minutes ago: sorry for asking again Marcus. Do I just pull down and move everything apart from config.ini and the Uploads directory?
#mapkycaMain thing is that we're moving to managing things via composer (plugins too, once the PR is merged in composer installers)
#mapkyca!tell [davidmead] yep, backup config and upload + now run composer install
#[stefp]I just did the usual overwrite. This seems a bit more complicated.
#[stefp]I’ve reinstalled the older version in the meantime so no damage done.
chrisaldrich and seekr joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]yeah I am going to continue recommending older version unless folks know of a way of installing composer without terminal...I don't even want to do that let alone teach others
#[davidmead]thx mapkyca. a brief step-by-step would be good for us composer/git/terminal luddites
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
#mapkycaAn assumption is that the github method is for more technical users, and composer gives a bunch of package management advantages that make the slight increase in complexity worth it (it's also the industry standard method at this point, so there's that)
#[jgmac1106]ohh yes, makes sense, and majority of really active members could probably do it but will need a screencast or tutorial to follow. happy to be the test pilot or help make one
#[jgmac1106]launching terminal and installing composer step up from downloading from GitHub and pushing stuff through sftp,
chrisaldrich, [schmarty] and seekr joined the channel
#mapkycaWell, you can stick with the sftp method if you'd like, the only difference is that after you've cloned / git pulled the updates from the repo, you then run composer install in the same directory. If you don't have it installed https://getcomposer.org gives instructions.
#mapkycamost distros you can apt-get/yum install composer, but the website will give you a composer.phar, so usually this'll be: "cd /path/to/known; php /path/to/composer.phar install"
#mapkycaThen, assuming no errors, you'll have a /vendor/ directory in your known install which is chock full of stuff. Upload that along with the rest of the files and you should be fine
[dougbeal], chrisaldrich, [eddie], anglophilic, seekr, [schmarty] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]@mapkyca I am happy to make tutorial videos. We were going to build the Go Open Iniative on Known... Basically decide the plugins, and spin up a subdomain.
#mapkycaI updated the blog post with a quick video, hopefully that will make things a bit clearer
[benatwork], seekr, [kevinmarks], chrisaldrich, [schmarty], [grantcodes] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
#[cleverdevil]I made the transition earlier today, it was pretty easy.
#[cleverdevil]I am completely a newbie when it comes to composer, though, and as a plugin developer, a guide on how to make my plugins compliant with the new world order would be hugely helpful!
#mapkycaThat'll come. It's currently not possible, as it requires a patch to composer/installers
#mapkycaPR has been submitted, but that project doesn't seem to merge very often
#mapkycaHowever, once merged you just need to include a composer.json with your project, specify a type as "known-plugin", require composer/installers, and put your plugin on packageist
#mapkycaOptionally you can specify a naming override - so we'll finally get rid of that problem where you need to check out a plugin and then rename everything