aaronpk!tell mapkyca what on earth are you doing that requires changes to composer? I'd love to learn about how to write a plugin system that works well with composer tho! any docs you can share?
ben_thatmustbeme, [tonz], raucao and mapkyca joined the channel
Loqimapkyca: aaronpk left you a message 8 hours, 39 minutes ago: what on earth are you doing that requires changes to composer? I'd love to learn about how to write a plugin system that works well with composer tho! any docs you can share?
mapkyca!tell aaronpk I'm hoping to make use of composer/installers (https://github.com/composer/installers) which lets a registered plugin type be installed to a location other than /vendor. Will mean we should be able to use composer to manage plugins.
mapkyca!tell aaronpk Unfortunately, for security reasons, you can't create arbitrary packages, so we have to wait for the PR to be merged before we can make use of it.
[jgmac1106]doing it now, at least this time I remembered to make a copy of my stylesheets so I do not have to redo all my theme modifications...we should make it easier to switch fonts and themes...shouldnt require user to learn how to make a theme
[jgmac1106]!tellmapkyca I am getting a 500 error after every status update since latest update, didn't know if it was my host or not so didn't want to file an issue
[jgmac1106]!tell mapkyca I am getting a 500 error after every status update since latest update, didn't know if it was my host or not so didn't want to file an issue
Loqimapkyca: [jgmac1106] left you a message 59 minutes ago: I am getting a 500 error after every status update since latest update, didn't know if it was my host or not so didn't want to file an issue
[jgmac1106]seems every post I make i throw an error for a missig read post endpoint (probably me making broken plugins) and missing a delet page for the video plugin....by the way my error is 1.4 gig, can I delete it and start over? that is a ton of space
[jgmac1106]looks like time to delete mastodon plugin for a bit .PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getElementsByTagName() on boolean in /home/jgregory/public_html/quickthoughts/IdnoPlugins/MastodonEmbed/Main.php:36
[jgmac1106][12-Mar-2019 05:22:17 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getElementsByTagName() on boolean in /home/jgregory/public_html/quickthoughts/IdnoPlugins/MastodonEmbed/Main.php:36
[stefp][jgmac1106] I checked my error log and there’s a load of those Read endpoint errors but they start from when I installed that plugin last month.
@ken_bauerThat moment when I'm 10 minutes into writing a post on my @withknown blog about a new project (inspired by @OnlineCrsLady ) and I accidentally close Firefox and lost my post :( Back to the drawing board. I have all the tabs open that are part of it though at least. (twitter.com/_/status/1105564728062083074)
Loqiaaronpk: mapkyca left you a message 11 hours, 23 minutes ago: I'm hoping to make use of composer/installers (https://github.com/composer/installers) which lets a registered plugin type be installed to a location other than /vendor. Will mean we should be able to use composer to manage plugins.
Loqiaaronpk: mapkyca left you a message 11 hours, 22 minutes ago: Unfortunately, for security reasons, you can't create arbitrary packages, so we have to wait for the PR to be merged before we can make use of it.
[ken]So my #FacebookFreeFebruary experiment was interesting. Not going to delete my account but changing the way I use it. Part of that is attempting to get the Known plugin to work to connect and post to Facebook. I believe that I followed the correct setup instructions but I get the following error when attempting the "Connect Facebook" button from the Facebook plugin on my account settings on my Known install
[ken]text from that error: "Invalid Scopes: manage_pages, publish_actions, rsvp_event. This message is only shown to developers. Users of your app will ignore these permissions if present. Please read the documentation for valid permissions at: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/permissions"