#known 2019-05-16

2019-05-16 UTC
[chrisaldrich], [Rose], [tantek], [pfefferle], [frank], jeremych_, [grantcodes], [jgmac1106], [calumryan], [stefp] and doubleloop joined the channel
@plindner the Twitter plugin not working on my last two installs, doing more today, would love for someone to test it on another shared host to see if it something there
welcome [Kimberly_Blessing]
[tantek], [frank], doubleloop, [pfefferle], [Rose], [schmarty], [Zegnat] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106]: any errors in the logs? Last time twitter stopped working I had to renew the brid.gy token...
[schmarty], cambridgeport90, [manton], [jgmac1106], [Rose], [frank], seekr, [cleverdevil] and [tantek] joined the channel