#known 2019-05-17

2019-05-17 UTC
[jgmac1106], sikkdays, [manton], [tantek], cambridgeport90, [Rose], [frank], [tonz], [Zegnat], [calumryan], [pfefferle] and [voss] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] I had that issue at one point, and it turned out I had forgotten an 's' https in the callback function. As plindner mentions, any errors in logs or elsewhere?
[pfefferle] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[voss] I will check helping [Sadik_Shahadu] try to connect to Twitter, I checked the error logs for when I know whe was trying did see mention of an expired image
will check the https:
checking my own error logs as I try to update and fix the read post I am noticing [17-May-2019 11:56:03 UTC] Known (quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com): error - Could not add /read/webhook/. \IdnoPlugins\Read\Pages\Endpoint not found does that mean I am missing the micropub endpoint?
it could also be this is a fork of [cleverdevil] watch post which used webhooks to connect to Plex
[tantek], Webrocker, [Juha_Liikala], [stefp], [voss], [manton] and [frank] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] I remember you mentioned sometime in the spring, that when you drop markdown into Known's rich text editor, it just becomes HTML automatically - https://chat.indieweb.org/known/2019-03-02/1551528082663400 - do you know if you installed something that does that for you? I can't make it work 🙂
I don't use the markdown plugin, I was more talking about how when you use a micropub client that publishes in plain html often that gets published as plain text or stripped
also you can't use html in notes, I need to use html in notes
I don't use the markdown plugin either, I turned it off, as it made posting images in posts a bit harder for me.
Ah, ok, so you meant markup, and now markdown, in that quoted chat entry?
[tantek] joined the channel
let me check day before that came in at 12:01
[voss] just tested in both the ntoes and the article post types and markdown not converted
but that is without the plugin
many of the plugins that aren't maintained need a bit of love since the last few updates, plus I never write in markdown
not sure of the context of that message'
No problem. I was just wondering if, on your installation, you could type markdown in the rich editor for posts, and the editor would automatically convert the markdown to HTML.
that is what the plugin did I thought but it worked only for articles not notes
...i think
I used the markdown plugin for a little while, but it makes some things harder for me (adding images to a post for example), because all the rich text editor options disappear (at least when I enable it). My dream would be a rich text editor, that would also allow me to just drop markdown into it, and it would automatically convert it to rich text.
Yes, true. The plugin only works for articles, and not notes. That's my experience as well.
But, I think I found a way around it 🙂 Using the Markdown Here add-on/extension for your browser of choice, allows you to dump markdown into the rich text editor, and then use the Markdown Here, to convert that markdown into HTML, which the rich text editor interprets correctly.
[Rose] joined the channel
The way Known handles HTML in Articles and Notes differs, but rather than a browser extension, I prefer to use the data export from Byword, if I want the whole thing, or Marked2 if I only want a small portion.
jeremycherfas, that's a great option as well.
More steps, but works for me. :)
And that's the important part!
[Zegnat], [frank], tonz and [tantek] joined the channel
seekr, [frank], [pfefferle], q4re, [tantek], [Rose], [chrisaldrich], [cleverdevil], [jgmac1106], [kiai] and [grantcodes] joined the channel