#known 2019-06-19

2019-06-19 UTC
[tantek], [jgmac1106], ErikSTL, jbove, [kevinmarks786], [tonz], mapkyca and jgmac1106 joined the channel
Bore da
Actually remembering to start my irc client today
jgmac1106 joined the channel
Morning Marcus
plinder I shared your idea of community calls with mapkyca, dug the idea, with caveat on availability..that we all would have, just need to choose a time and date for the biweekly call
[jgmac1106], [calumryan], [kevinmarks786], [kimberlyhirsh], [Rose], mapkyca and jgmac1106 joined the channel
[mapkyca] you seem to be in Slack a bit, you can use the Known channel in iwc slack as a bridge if you are not in IRC much anymore
mapkyca, [kevinmarks786], [Rose], [jgmac1106], [tantek], jgmac1106 and [schmarty] joined the channel
Also highly recommend using Matrix/Riot to idle in IRC chans.
jgmac1106: that Kirby license is a non-starter for me. Should I start a Doodle to find some days/times to find a good time for everyone?
Yeah. I didn't mind it. Free to any open source or educational use. I am using it to learn PHP to help with Known.
Or just choose one plinder. I find aound 4-6 utc to be best given our spread from Pacific US to the UK
jgmac1106, [frank], [eddie], [kevinmarks786], [dougbeal], [tantek], [grantcodes], [fluffy], [schmarty], [jgmac1106], chrisaldrich and mapkyca joined the channel
For the tape, I just had a chat with ben. He's tying up some admin stuff, and we're putting together a clearer roadmap for Known and known versions going forward. Expect things to become a bit clearer shortly...
[benatwork] joined the channel
... I'm also setting myself up to be on this channel more regularly.
mapkyca has 2 karma over the last year
maybe some day this channel's logs will be literally written to tape
is imagining a text to speech robot recording the logs to an audio cassette
suddenly has the horrible realization that there are now full grown adults who have never used a cassette
I saw some thread with someone who had never seen a camera film canister the other day.
[kevinmarks786] joined the channel
There are musicians who still release tapes apparently
Seriously…: New Weird Britain: Urban Hinterlands http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p07cvfb6
film canisters i can understand more, since those are a medium of production rather than consumption
sort of yes and no - it was pretty ubiquitous production
kevinmarks: that looks glorious. Looking forward to listening
mixtapes...like actual cassettes still popular in some underground hiphop circles
wow...no film camera
[benatwork] haven't been following any of the deadlines from previous discussions but ping me if something comes up and you need a hand.
[jgmac1106] Thank you - I've been pretty much in family health hell lately, but I'm trying hard to claw back some time
Known as a project has never had a great mission statement. I'd like to introduce a draft one for the feedback of this group. Let me know how this sounds; I'm trying to emphasize the decentralization / indieweb facets.
Known allows people to create, share, and connect using a decentralized network of independent websites free from surveillance or central control.
i dont wanna sound nitpicky, but "free from surveillance" is almost impossible to promise, especially when the default is posting content publicly.
jbove joined the channel
Nitpicky was what I was hoping for!
That’s good feedback
I know you want to stress decentralized but that is jargon to most and constantly debated among those who think they know the true definition..not sure I know what to say instead
though given Known’s current user base and install requirements they would be more familiar so it might be okay
that is also a good point. lots of people will tell you it's not decentralized because X Y Z
Also good
(And installation requirements will be softened for 1.0. It needs to be as easy as possible.)
Known allows people to create, share, and connect using a network you control.
Known allows people to easily create, share, and connect from their own website.
okay didn’t know if you wanted general market or niche, Ghost went full throttle as blog for “dev: crowd
perfect, simple and to the point
if you want to drill down into your vision of decentralization that can be below the fold
well need to go cook the kids dinner
who all love their known blogs benatwork..and perfect little microcosm, as one wants it to just work and th other wants to learn how you change backgrounds and colors
I want a Known at McVerry.com and then everyone can be name.mcverry.com but everything just syndicates to the main instance without people doing anything. Everythign is getting so close to the UI of my families stupid group SMS message
which I just had to mute for 7 das..so its on my mind…well off to make dinner
The Planet McVerry, which was our extended family worldwide is something I miss most about facebook, and the marketplaces…but I think we help local news crawl back this revenue
misses most about facebook too
that is what nobody is talking about libra is about every little tag sale group that every single little town has
[eddie] and [tantek] joined the channel
[benatwork] agreed with [jgmac1106] & [aaronpk] criticisms of the term "decentralized" - which now means so many different things to so many different people that it's nearly meaningless now. E.g. the Twitter # decentralized hashtag is nearly 90% cryptocurrency spam
in addition, "decentralized" focuses on plumbing, network architecture, which most people either don't care about or don't understand or both. Using that term is a confusing distraction for most users
I suggest trying "user owned" as a substitute everywhere you now use "decentralized" and see how it works for you
[tantek] Yep - I think decentralized is gone. That last version - "Known allows people to easily create, share, and connect from their own website." - touches on owned, and I think gets to the core of it.
MUCH better
And it has an Oxford comma +1 (forgot my phone works in front of stove)
jgmac1106 joined the channel
Know + Own = Known
My personal motivation is a platform I can control and keep for a lifetime that interacts with the rest of the world.
I also don't trust commercial platforms to be good stewards of my content. (Have first hand experience killing Buzz, Orkut and now G+)
jgmac1106 joined the channel