#known 2019-07-08

2019-07-08 UTC
fluffy, [fluffy], nekr0z and travis-ci joined the channel
mapkyca/idno#449 (master - 9cc4f55 : Marcus Povey): The build passed.
mapkyca_, [fluffy], [KevinMarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel; travis-ci left the channel
[davidmead] file an issue and I will take a look
mapkyca_ and [davidmead] joined the channel
will do [jgmac1106]
seekr, [aaronpk], mapkyca_, [Jay_Hoffmann], [schmarty], [KevinMarks], [Rose] and [tantek] joined the channel
↩️ It’s a big reason why the open source project for @withknown is still going. Unlimited users, and it runs on web space that costs $5/mo or less. We need our own spaces.
[fluffy] and [wtmonroe] joined the channel
Hello, I am very to new to IndieWeb concepts and Known. I've posted a short description of the registration difficulty I've had trying to create a between Indigenous and Known: https://stream.willtmonroe.com/2019/indigenous-known-and-micropub-endpoint
If any of you have advice or troubleshooting tips, I would appreciate it.
johanherman[m], johanherman[m]1 and [zach] joined the channel
[wtmonroe] I don't have an android phone to test with anymore, but I did have issues with known and indigenous for android a few times in the past that I thought had been fixed. (https://github.com/swentel/indigenous-android/issues/25 and https://github.com/swentel/indigenous-android/issues/84). I would recommend opening an issue and seeing if swentel can help you troubleshooting that cause of it.
[zach] thank you! I was considering creating an issue but I wanted to confirm that my expectations for each step were correct.
well, you don't really need the twitter part as known acts as its own indieauth server and so you are not using relmeauth, but your source code has the auth and token servers in it and that all looks fine, so it seems to be an issue between known and indigenous for android
[zach] I see. That is very helpful! I was trying to figure out how Known provided Indieauth authentication so this clears it up a bit in terms of what's happening been Known and Indigenous. I will file an issue as you suggested.
[wtmonroe] just so you are aware, its a part of a plugin that ships with the default install https://github.com/idno/known/tree/master/IdnoPlugins/IndiePub (you may want to double check that its enabled, but it seems to me that it is looking at the screenshots you took)
[zach] Yes, IndiePub 0.2 is enabled although the page under Account Settings > Indiepub is blank. Should it be?
yeah, that means that a token is not being generated for indigenous
[wtmonroe] can you try and login on https://quill.p3k.io/
[zach] I received this error `indieauth_error
The authorization code was not able to be verified`
any errors in your web server logs?
if quill is not working either it must be an error on your side, not indigenous
On Site Settings > Diagnostics I don't see any warnings. But the report is long and the version that Reclaim Hosting is using (Reclaim is my host) is Known 0.9.2
So there's the possibility that the newer version has resolved this error. Already filed a request to have the Known instance updated.
your version may be too old, try https://stream.willtmonroe.com/profile/willtm as the url for quill
Same error
`indieauth_error The authorization code was not able to be verified`
do you have access to the web servers error logs on reclaim hosting (apache I assume)
Well, I have access to this https://www.pastiebin.com/5d2375394e3fc through Known
But I also have access to cPanel.
yeah, in cpanel I am trying to figure out if you can see the logs for the web server, looking at reclaims web site now
maybe under Metrics > Errors
Only error that shows up: `[Mon Jul 08 14:52:30.083973 2019] [access_compat:error] [pid 1912632:tid 47280879171328] [client] AH01797: client denied by server configuration: /home/willtmon/public_html/anothergreen.world/wp-includes/pomo/so.php`
It's from this morning but it doesn't appear to be related
just to make sure is Single user mode enabled in site settings?
[snarfed] joined the channel
This is very helpful, [zach]. And yes, my Known configuration is single user. It's leading me to think that I should: 1) follow up with Reclaim regarding the Known version update and if there are still issues then 2) file an issue on Github that incorporates your troubleshooting steps (eg Quill test).
Thank you!
yeah, I'm not sure what else to look at, I think others are using Reclaim, maybe they can help more. Sorry!
you will need to update from 0.92 to 0.99 on Reclaim
I have the steps written out in Getting Started page but you can do it right from the Terminal access in CPanel
I am happy to do this with you tomorrow
[jgmac1106] Oh! Didn't realize that I could do this myself. That's great. And yes, I'd appreciate that help tomorrow.
oooh wait I need to check tide charts, think I am crabbing first thing in the morning
Wednesday if you can't figure it out then
I like those priorities 🦀 !
Reclaim Hosting replied with the suggestion that I follow these instructions: http://docs.withknown.com/en/latest/install/upgrade/
Those are dated. I will update theor documentation as well. Doesn't include composer updates
I was just about to give it a shot. I'll wait
[KevinMarks], [cleverdevil] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
Wtmonore the Known tutorials foe Reclaim Hosting on Getting_Started are up to date,
[wtmonroe] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] got it! I think this is the tutorial that you were referring to: https://archive.org/details/knownandreclaim/TutorialThreeUpdatingKnownwith+SFTP.mp4
I need to record a tutorial for adding composer
But basically go to terminal type cd "directory name"
cd meand change directory
I follow you
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
And then paste this in from here https://getcomposer.org/download/
I will update tutorial tomorrow or Wednesday
Once that is installed you can update thrpugh Composer and not ftp but will make tutorials for both
[jgmac1106] thank you. I'm going to review all of this before doing anything. And if necessary, I'll wait for you to update the composer tutorial.
[tantek], [KevinMarks] and [benatwork] joined the channel
Oof. I finally got my website up and running on a new server with a new version of Known. It frankly wasn't easy, and a lot broke in transition. I'll make sure I go back and add more rails and handholding.
[benatwork]: [jgmac1106] left you a message 2 days, 11 hours ago: here is the recorded session: https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=63386&oldid=63350&rcid=63246
On the bright side, lots of good data for improving the guard rails and docs!
Glad you’re back up and running again.
Mongo version differences made it particularly fun
(also I moved servers)
Ooh, I bet.
Fresh starts FTW, though!
Did you move off Mongo in the process?
I didn't - for now I'm just on the latest db version
One thing on my mind is a fuller embrace of PostgreSQL / MySQL and their built-in JSON data types.
Postgres in particular
I’m currently on MySQL, but not married to it,.
admintax has -1 karma in this channel over the last year (-2 in all channels)
Ugh, wait, bad terminology.
I’m not committed to it :)
@tantek, I am using RDS, so there is basically zero admin tax here :)
But, point taken!
[cleverdevil] I was referring to the huge admintax that [benatwork] was just charged (by his website going offline for *reasons*)
mysql has good json support now too, tho i dont know how compatible it is with postgres
That’s the point that I was referring to. Very much agree with that :)
[jz] joined the channel
I think both are very much based upon the emerging ANSI standard on the topic of JSON column types.
One thing I've been thinking - which is v different to my 2013 thinking that spawned Idno / Known - is that it might be nice to have friendly desktop software that mimics what Jekyll does for people who are happy with command lines. eg, a friendly, gui, desktop / mobile personal homepage manager that generates static files and automatically syncs them with the host of your choice
Server administration is not something I wanted to be doing this week
Fair enough.
I enjoy the benefits of a dynamic site far too much to be well served by totally static approaches.
But, I think there’s a huge amount of value in that as a concept.
I like it too, but this was hard
[benatwork] "desktop software" consider expanding that to "iPadOS software" as well.
I had iPadOS mentally wrapped into "mobile"
Lilz|BetaMe[m] joined the channel
Back in the day, I ran MovableType on my Powerbook, generated my site, and then uploaded it to a host.
it really isn't. it's closer in capabilities and use-cases to a laptop
[benatwork]: you mean like movabletype? 😂
kanej[m]2 joined the channel
True - I just got an iPad Pro this week. Loving it so far
Totally agree with @tantek on that one, especially now that I am an iPad Pro user.
Boom, and now so are you :)
[aaronpk] Yyyyyyyyyes ... nnnnnnnno ... and point taken 😉
Anyway, I use Known, I selfishly like Known, and I do want to clean it up
One thing that's massively changed for me is that I've been using this CentOS shared server for ages - but using cloud infrastructure, one small server per site makes way more sense
[benatwork] it's called KnownSSG, and runs locally on your laptop, then generates a local directory of all permalinks (etc.) that is then sync'd to your static site server
So werd.io is now on its own DigitalOcean server
I’ll also point out that a beautiful, usable desktop client that speaks Micropub / Microsub / IndieAuth would benefit the larger ecosystem.
I’m also keenly interested in getting Known running on AWS Lambda.
I know that sounds a bit far-fetched, but it really isn’t.
(And all serverless environments)
I don't think it is
downside to one-server-per-site is now you have os-updates-per-site too
This is the model for all software like Known for the next chapter IMO.
No servers at all FTW!
[aaronpk] That's true - but for now I don't have many sites
It's so similar to the mono-repo vs atomic repos conversation
pros and cons to both
building an AWS-native indieweb site does sound like kinda a fun challenge
If Known ran well on Lambda, with RDS or Aurora Serverless as the backend database, and S3 for the storage, it could be placed into the AWS marketplace as a self-service, one-click launchable thing.
I started down a path of that with Puny, @aaronpk, but ran out of gas :)
(PunyAuth is a completely capable IndieAuth implementation that runs on Lambda though!)
Known already works with S3; I don't see why it couldn't use Aurora (although I haven't tried)
I’ve tried. It works fine.
Just need a CloudFormation template to orchestrate it all.
Dynamo db might be a fit, given that it's a json store with simple keys
[zach] joined the channel
[benatwork] other than the fact S3 is broken with master arm :p
[zach] Oh man
ATM not arm.
Thanks for the heads up
I made a ticket. I think I know why just need to look into it
[cleverdevil] if you make said template make sure to share. That’s another thing on my list, but way down it.
I've been out of it lately for a host of reasons, but hopefully can start getting on top of things again soon
I think we’re poised for a nice little Known community renaissance personally ;)
The first Open Collective meeting was so positive, though certainly too short.
A good gathering where we could do some collaborative user-centric roadmapping would be lovely.
I am very much of the belief that the core bits and pieces of Known could absolutely be leveraged for a next-gen approach.
[manton] joined the channel
That would be so cool
[jgmac1106] I just realized that I'm not certain if Composer ought to be installed on my local machine or via the terminal in the Reclaim Hosting cPanel. But I'll look for your tutorial tomorrow or Wednesday.
Via the terminal. It add php dependencies to the vendor folder of you known install
I will be posting choices for the second Collective meeting tomorrow as well. @mapkyca asked us to try for weekends. Like any open org not everyone will make every meeting
But we will document and record as with three kids and coaching all the sports I know I won't make them all
@benatwork been playing with Kirby. I like the flat file data storage but dynamic site features. Get a little bit of both words... Eventually Known will just be my engine
Though it works well enough as a PWA I rarely use micropub clients
[tantek] and [schmarty] joined the channel