nekr0zOhhh, this looks bad. Remember a day or two ago I complained about some posts not being searchable? I've nailed it down: as soon as a post receives a like, it loses the search field in the database and becomes unsearchable. Anything I can debug/trace before I open an issue?
[mapkyca]Not sure why that would happen, but it sounds like something might be wiping the search field on update. Are you able to push a failing test based on this new information?
nekr0zThat would be waaay beyond my current php knowledge, but I am willing to invest my spare time, as soon as I have any, in learning how to do this. So no, I'm not able to do it now, I hope I will be able in forseeable future, but not yet sure how far that future might be. :-D
[mapkyca]No worries! Couple of other questions then: does this happen only with a webmention like, or a star through the interface? Does it occur only with likes, or do comments do it too?
AkyRhOww/html/warmup/WebInstaller.php(223): WebInstaller->__construct()\n#1 /var/www/html/warmup/index.php(14): WebInstaller::installer()\n#2 {main}\n thrown in /var/www/html/warmup/WebInstaller.php on line 18
nekr0zmapkyca_: Sorry for late reply, had day job to do. I only tested for webmentions, not web interface. And yes, both likes and comments do provoke the undesired behaviour.
nekr0zmapkyca_: and no, liking a post through web interface doesn't cause this behaviour, neither does commenting, so it's only webmentions that flush the search field
[schmarty], [grantcodes], [tantek] and [mapkyca] joined the channel
plindner[m]Thanks Ben. Working at Google this is something I grapple with often. I like that you're focusing on the systems ands structure that enables the harms.
nekr0zmapkyca_: from what I see in the code actual webmention endpoint processing is done in Idno/Common/Entity.php, and there actually is a lot of "fairly low level entity manipulation"
jgmac1106, [snarfed], [grantcodes], [tantek] and dav joined the channel