#known 2019-07-10

2019-07-10 UTC
[miklb], [jk], [Michael_Beckwit, [Rose] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
while doing some debugging on my known installation I've noticed a lot (and I mean _A LOT_) of deprecation warnings in http error log, mainly AddRoute() and AddListener(). Is this something expected?
Expected, but probably not in core. The API is shifting, and this will be a breaking change in the future, so these need to be logged and the plugins updated
If you want to be really useful, file the issue against the offending plugin and we can update them
mapkyca: I would, if only I had an idea how to locate offending plugin :-)
mod_fcgid: stderr: Known (evgenykuznetsov.org): debug - DEPRECATION WARNING: Use \\Idno\\Core\\Idno::site()->routes()->addRoute(), referer: https://evgenykuznetsov.org/2019/this-is-for-testing
not a really hepful error message in this regard
Hmm... yeah. I'll try and put in some debug traceback in the debug message
would be awesome!
I'll add it to my long list of things to do ... :D
Actually, didn't take long - added some debug context to latest master
Great, will try.
Also, I seem to have finally fixed Reactions plugin (the one by kylewm, with likes and reposts) - admittedly, really dirty and in need of refactoring, but at least it works with current master.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
nekr0z has 1 karma over the last year
yep, awesome: that's exactly the plugin that sends deprecation warnings. Looks like I have to learn some php after all :-D
mapkyca_ joined the channel
i just turned off that plugin and stopped doing likes
[Jay_Hoffmann] joined the channel
jgmac1106[m]: Problem is, I do want this functionality. And I don't have means to force somebody to make it happen, so doing it by myself seems to be the only option ;)
feature not bug
quite so
please share your repo when fixed so I can add it, I need to look at he micropub endpoints of the food plugin and the edit template of the read plugin
https://github.com/nekr0z/KnownReactions - it works already, but I still need to figure out all the deprecation stuff
mapkyca_ joined the channel
I figured out the AddRoute() thing, but can not find documentation on AddListener(). Anywhere I should have looked?
By the way, another plugin with deprecation warning is idno/FooterJS
[zach] joined the channel
most plugins have this issue right now
Nekr0z the new methods are basically a drop in replacement for the old one, just on a component object rather than the central idno class. It's a find and replace jobby
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
mapkyca_: Thanks! Furtunately, that's about how much I can do with what PHP knowledge (actually, lack thereof) I have :-D
jgmac1106[m]: reactions plugin all fixed now
[eddie] joined the channel
I wanted to start putting in PRs to plugins that have these issues, but I was unsure of when the new implementations got added. I was going to wait until 1.0 to start bugging people as it seems like a good point to say, this fixes an issue with the current release and everyone should be on 1.0!
[zach] we discussed at Collective meeting that we will need to remove any plugins not compatible with 1.0 release. Of course as plugins fixed and tested could be added back into docs
please file all the PRs to plugins as many may maintain forks that are not linked to in docs
and PRs always welcome
well, unless the old implementations are removed they will all work, just using deprecated functions
my worry was that putting the PR in may brake older installs that don't have the newer route support
I haven't looked but [davidmead] was asking about micropub and the food post, but I have no idea how the IndiePub plugins handles the endpoints
this could use the update to fix deprecated functions https://github.com/jgmac1106/Known-Read I get an error on the edit template I thinl
kekr0z++ for the reaction plugin fix!!!
kekr0z has 1 karma over the last year
nekr0z++ for the plugin fix
nekr0z has 2 karma over the last year
[kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
The issue is that `\Idno\Core\site()->addPageHandler` us being deprecated https://github.com/idno/known/blob/54878725e175a5df1c4145d8e666b744fa2420e9/Idno/Core/Deprecated/Idno.php#L20 and needs to be replaced with `\Idno\Core\Idno::site()->routes()->addRoute()` its an easy change
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Zach: my controversial view is that breaking changes for a 0.x.x is ok (actually, that's the semver view as well), so it's better that deprecated stuff is removed from plugins before 1.0.
Depending on where we are whenever that line is drawn, it is likely that deprecated functions will be removed for 1.0
I'm not going to make too much effort to maintain support for older stuff (0.9.9 - the first release - for example is over 2 years old now) as times move on
Oxy[m], AkyRhO and [xavierroy] joined the channel
Any idea when we roll over to 1.0?
jgmac1106 joined the channel
thanks to jgmac1106 I'm having a look at Known right now - the only thing that concerns me so far is the ability to import my existing data (YAML/Markdown files on Jekyll) - any tips for that specific use case?
Hey @AkyRhO nice seeing you get a post up and seeing you play. Come stop by #knownchat on freenode if you have any questions. The @withknown Open Collective grows every day as people look for the #Indieweb building blocks of the modern social web (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/17Hxeg)
AkyRho, importing is currently a weak point, @cleverdevil has made some progress with facebook imports that has some prior art. You can of course use a micropub client and “republish” but that is tedious
it is something everyone wants to actively work on, can’t encourage folks to move homes if they always have to leave old stuff behind
Want to think about a micropub as migration tool that can support the community as a whole and not just Known
if you like YAML/Markdown and PHP also check out Kirby, been playing with that and loving it…though most of the building blocks do not exist yet
long term I am thinking a hyrbid approach where I use Known as a blog engine in the background for whatever front end templating system I can play with preferablly the one closest to a blank text editor for me
let me see if can update to latest build, I activated the twitter plugin, you are welcome to associate your twitter handle with an app and try it, but like I said it takes a day or two
[tantek] and [schmarty] joined the channel
xavierroy not as yet, but "soon" - personally I'd like to roll over when the new website is up, but that needs @benatwork to have some slack in his schedule
[benatwork] joined the channel
On that: my mother very nearly died yesterday, and in general the family health stuff I’m working through is getting worse, not better. So I’m not sure what my time (or my life) looks like in the immediate future.
so sorry @benatwork be @benwithfamily for as long as you need
Thank you. Please know I’m committed to this project!
Sorry to hear that.
no one would ever doubt your committment to a better web and to Known as a project to get there, in some ways the spirit of those who shaped you and yours will always be present in each line of code
Yeah, @benatwork. Family is more important than code
[eddie], [snarfed], [KevinMarks], jgmac1106, [schmarty], [jgmac1106], seekr and [wtmonroe] joined the channel
Anyone using monocle.p3k.io with known?
whenever I try to sign in, it complains the access token doesn't have the right scope.
oh it seems to be having problems with all the microsub clients, togethernow is also throwing me through a login loop when it tries to load the channels
it looks like it's not actually offering tokens with the right scope
I haven't been able to get known to work with micropub on monocle
[eddie], [zach], AuHau[m]1 and NatoBoram[m] joined the channel
wonders if both pass all their respective client/server tests on micropub.rocks, and if not, if bugs have been filed on their respective repos
swedneck[m]1 joined the channel