2019-07-27 UTC
[tantek], [xavierroy], [miklb], [pfefferle], maan, [jgmac1106], [manton], [KevinMarks], [grantcodes] and [kim_landwehr] joined the channel
# 14:10 [kim_landwehr] Is Known for educators only, or can anyone use it?
[spieper] joined the channel
# 14:27 [spieper] [kim_landwehr] Anyone can download and install Known now. I'd say from my own experience it's not that difficult if you know how to install Wordpress.
# 14:32 [kim_landwehr] thanks [spieper] the website was a little unclear
[chrisaldrich], [tantek], [tonz], [Michael_Beckwit and travis-ci joined the channel
# 18:05 travis-ci idno/known#5478 (master - 5b9ec46 : Marcus Povey): The build was broken.
travis-ci left the channel
# 18:24 travis-ci idno/known#5480 (master - 71a08cd : Marcus Povey): The build was fixed.
travis-ci joined the channel
cloudybrain, [JuJu], [miklb] and [mapkyca] joined the channel; travis-ci left the channel
# 19:46 [mapkyca] [kim_landwehr] definitely not just for educators - for everyone!
# 19:57 [JuJu] Is Reclaim Hosting still the recommended way to install Known? would like version 0.9.9, but not used to installing from package through cpanel
coryl[m], [Michael_Beckwit, [tonz], [tantek] and prc[m] joined the channel