#known 2019-07-28

2019-07-28 UTC
Dpk1, [Michael_Beckwit, [fluffy], [KevinMarks], jeremych_, [jgmac1106], [tonz], ryanchristo[m]2 and [mapkyca] joined the channel
0.9.9 is massively old, so if you have the option I'd install via github to get the latest stuff.
and they install 0.9.2 not 0.9.9
the benefit is having to skip the database set up
[tonz] and [JuJu] joined the channel
So the GitHub version is also 0.9.9 but with major changes? 0.9.2 must be ancient then 🙂
Just got an email from Reclaim Hosting they say Known one-click install is no longer supported. Could not find it in cPanel either
Ah, found it yes - the search function in installatron was not up for it
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
yeah I am only installing 0.9.2 in cPanel to handle all the database stuff
[mapkyca] joined the channel
[JuJu] Github version is currently 0.12.16 🙂
I need to update a bunch of sites....
hopefully faster now with composer will try this week
nekr0z joined the channel
[mapkyca] Ohes ok! Am I missing something with the version numbers?
Just heard of composer today, this might be a bit out of my league. Tried to install the unofficial packages but get this when typing the url --> Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '?' in /home/neoabori/stream.neoaboriginal.com/Idno/Core/Idno.php on line 263 // Maybe I'll try the official packages or just resign into 0.9.2 🙂
You need PHP 7.1 and above
You're right 🙂 have 7.0.33. So 0.9.2 it is then?
I wouldn't recommend that - 0.9.2 is *reeeeeeeeeeeeealy* old. Also 7.0 is EOL, so for multiple reasons you should upgrade
Changed the php version, that's a game changer - thanks [mapkyca]!
np 🙂
My install could not detect apache mod_rewrite, is this also a version update for apache? Can I proceed without processing page URLs?
What version are you using? There was a bug a little while ago that prevented the canary from working. But basics are that you should check your .htaccess, and installed modules
That should be ok. Check that your .htaccess is there and mod_rewrite is actually enabled...
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
.htaccess is there, in the subdomain folder. In the technical settings I get the "Rewriting appears to be disabled" warning
Ahh, are you using sub folders?
You might need to configure your rewritebase
[fluffy], [tonz], matej37, chrisaldrich and [JuJu] joined the channel
How do I run _composer install_ from my Known directory? through the cpanel terminal?
[tantek] joined the channel