#known 2019-10-23

2019-10-23 UTC
kppDiscord[m], kppDiscord[m]1, [KevinMarks], tadpole256Discor, artlung, Loqi, [Lewis_Cowles], [Rose], [tantek], aaronpk, [qubyte], [aaronpk], [jgmac1106], [tonz], seekr, jeremych_ and [Sadik_Shahadu] joined the channel
Just found out an abandoned @withknown site has accumulated like 1000 spam link comments per post. Call me a spam farmer Meanwhile, my maintained blog gets like 2 comments every other fortnight.
Yes any mothballed @withknown should turn off the native comments plugin. The spam won't display and webmentions will still work.. For active users do the same and rely on webmentions or use the Askimet plugin. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1i35qf)
I've kept comments on and moderate the crap out of the spam, because the Akismet plugin doesn't actually do anything. And I sdo believe that the flood is slowing to a trickle.
↩️ Yes any mothballed @withknown should turn off the native comments plugin. The spam won't display and webmentions will still work.. For active users do the same and rely on webmentions or use the Askimet plugin. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1v58ff)
Toying with the idea of exposing the Known query functions over GraphQL. Might make it easier for people to build out some clients.
Might have to be added to my long list of things to do in my Copious Amounts of Free Time
Something is up with the Twitter plugin. I've been through all the hoops to create a new app at Twitter, including getting a dev account, which was a surprise, but the plugin button will not become live. Any suggestions?
↩️ @jgmac1106 @withknown Any database ways to dump the spam?
AmineDiscord[m] joined the channel
jeremycherfas: you sure you have the plugin switched on? Check the plugin directory name (should be capital T). Easiest way to install is to use composer
jeremycherfas my notes from doing this with sadik and it took a few tried to get his button, I will ping from home
↩️ I know the pain, I have eleven @withknown instances I maintain (and that is just my personal stuff @goifnetwork another 12). Just log in, turn off native comments and that entire scroll will disappear. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/18LlAN)
[fluffy] joined the channel
Twitter with a capital T is in there. Also checked in the list of plugins.
I'm on version = '0.12.14'
build = '2019072101'
revision = "bc6ac0d"
I should do an update. Tomorrow.
Definitely. I can't remember whether there were any breaking changes, but there's a good chance
Thanks [jgmac1106] Your notes will be a huge help, I am sure.
...I might fail....thought I did a clean install and update this morning but I am not on latest build. Saved my terminal logs
I will try to add Twitter to new site. We 100% had this problem with [Sadik_Shahadu] site. Took a long time to figure out
I am not on latest build either.
[dougbeal] joined the channel
↩️ Turned off native comments, but they are still there http://klown.cogdogblog.com My known site is at 0.9.2 on @ReclaimHosting Not sure if it needs update to 0.9.9
[Lewis_Cowles], [KevinMarks], [tantek], [snarfed], seekr, [Rose], [schmarty] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
I am wondering whether or not it might not be a bad idea to pick up a book on #Wordpress. as well. Looks kuje U am keeping it as my main presence and then doing with some other #indieweb folks do. Putting #withknown on a subdomain. #indieweb
[Lewis_Cowles], [frank], [grantcodes], [tonz], arweave-sophieDi, seekr, WesDiscord[m], [qubyte] and travis-ci joined the channel; arweave-sophieDi left the channel
idno/known#5572 (master - aa71249 : Marcus Povey): The build passed.
[chrisbergr] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel; travis-ci left the channel