[jgmac1106][mapkyca] (or anyone else) I know I ask all the time...will add a note to my #pinboard, butwhat is the composer command to update to the latest build?
[jgmac1106]hrmm getting this in terminal: Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file/Nothing to install or update/Generating autoload files
[jgmac1106]but this on the blog: It looks like you're running Known directly from a GitHub checkout. You need to run "composer install" to fetch other required packages!. going back to packages marcus publishes and trying that
[jgmac1106]okay tried twice, for some reason installing the packages from [mapkyca] works every time, when I try using Composer or Git something goes wrong
[mapkyca]I've had it a couple of times on really weirdly configured hosts that the php you get from the command line is actually an alias of php-cgi, which does very strange things
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