#known 2019-11-05

2019-11-05 UTC
bekoDiscord[m], dmcweeney, HexDiscord[m], [schmarty], [chrisbergr], [chrisaldrich], FordDiscord[m], [fluffy], mapkyca_, [jgmac1106], Arkk4dio, [tantek], jeremych_, [LewisCowles], [KevinMarks], shah^, niceplace, JBmc, [qubyte], [snarfed], [dougbeal], jbove and BigDuckEnergyDis joined the channel; FordDiscord[m] and JBmc left the channel
In Known: how would one send another Known CMS user a webmention note without the recipient first creating an h-entry to reply against?
It looks like plindner got the replies back on his homepage, correct?
I don't understand question. That would then just be a mention. Any note will have an h-entry and any reply will get u-in-reply-to. That is in core
So I would just mention the user's homepage?
Trying to rephrase the question: if I wanted to message you, without going through your twitter handle, what would be the webmention endpoint?
Static pages in Known don't handle webmentions, correct?
Guess I'm confusing webmentions with email :-D
[Johan Bové] So sorry! That’s really sad. Did you check Internet Wayback machine for a cache? Reminds me to make sure to check if my backups are running properly.
Ohh okay I see what your asking. Yes I get notification of homepage mentions
Wow, didn't know Loqi did that
aha, ok; wasn't sure about the homepage mentions.
Not yet... But things catch up.. Native to native webmentions how i talk to my kids
Check to see if profile pages have an endpoint...
Awesome. Can't wait for my son to be at that age :-)
Yes, profile page would be a better choice probably
If we were all members of each other's known be cool of we could send webmentions back and forth on member only posts
I think that is kinda how cleverdevil's private posts work but not webmention to private post. That would be neat
Chris Aldrich managed to become a "remote member" of my Known site. Not sure how he pulled that off. :-)
jbove: I don't have replies yet on my site. Permalinks work, but they're not included in home page for some reason. I'm going to check that the DB upgrade applied cleanly. Will do that after I migrate from docker-compose to podman or k8s (loyal Fedora user here...)
I have to figure out if I can rebuild from database alone... That will be this weekends mission. Can scrape html from archive
plindner have any Sundays in Nov free. Want to schedule next Open Collective meeting but we have Thanksgiving in US at end of month
Confirmed with https://webmention.rocks that webmentions to the Known profile page show up in the notifications.
How does https://withknown.superfeedr.com/ actually work with Known instances?
This might be a silly question - I have a version of "unlisted" posts on my Known site. The question is: should unlisted posts send out webmentions to any listed urls?
unlisted != private posts - these posts should not show up in any feed mechanism, or homepage
Updated to git and replies are back ^shrug^ -- I'll take it.
[chrisbergr] joined the channel
[jgmac1106]: yeah, should meet about oc. I would like to see the war chest deployed for good - especially since we're converging on a 1.0
[jbove] yeah that is how we should "text" each other thx for investigating
plindner its not in OC as it is grant funded but Marcus and I working on a course builder plugin (basic fork of static page) and if time/money allows a webmention badges plugin
seekr, [LewisCowles] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
jbove I'm not sure how I did that either... ;)