#known 2020-01-19

2020-01-19 UTC
[fluffy] and plindner[m] joined the channel
Going to hack on docker stuff today. Have to convert over to podman to upgrade to Fedora 31...
Just found out that the Dockerfile I'd been using is busted because of php 7.3/7.4 weirdness..
Bumping to ubuntu eoan to avoid PPAs..
bleeding edge... "ERROR 1005 (HY000) at line 54: Can't create table `known`.`entities_search` (errno: 150 "Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed")"
[Michael_Beckwit, aaronpk and xlcDiscord[m] joined the channel
eh, fixed it manually... Anyway, up and running on Podman now..
dma joined the channel
Dj Dma streaming : TECH HOUSE @ Http://unitedradio.us ... or..put this in your favorite music player- play.unitedradio.us:8064 ♪♬♪♬ 8PM EDT
Nespola1, Pacer, [prtksxna] and [mapkyca] joined the channel
plinder - mysql or postgres?
jeremych_ joined the channel
Was there ever a fix for Known not using the correct orientation in photos uploaded from iOS?
Pacer joined the channel
Yep, ages ago
[Sadik_Shahadu] joined the channel
Right. I'm on 0.9.9-a Better update! :)
Have to set aside time to update Known first.
Oops Uncaught Error: Class 'Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\FilesystemAdapter' not found in /home/jeremygrav/stream.jeremycherfas.net/Idno/Caching/FilesystemCache.php:27
!tell [mapkyca] No idea how to fix.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
This is with version = '1.1.0' build = 2020010301
seekr and Pacer joined the channel
If you’re installing direct from git you need to composer update. Also be sure to back up your database!
I know I've seen things about composer update. Is the command just "composer update"?
Yep, assuming you have composer installed. Otherwise you'll need getcomposer.org
Cool. Now I need to update PHP. Never ends. :)
Hm. Installed Composer and ran `php composer.phar` but now when I try `composer upgrade` I get `-bash: composer: command not found`
Composer.phar is in the same directory as my Known install and I am running it from there.
NVM I think I've solved it
Yup. All good, [mapkyca]++
[mapkyca] has 14 karma in this channel over the last year (18 in all channels)
Alas, the bas news is that even with Photos 1.0.0 a vertical photo uploaded from iOS is still displayed horizontally.
definitely used to work
No time left today. Will see if I can work out what is happening tomorrow.
I've confirmed it isn't working for me either, so something has broken. The exif parsing funny, and it may be that the variable to look for has changed.
dowlandaielloDis, [snarfed] and jeremych_ joined the channel
OK. If I have a moment to morrow I will see if I can see anything.
[Rose], [grantcodes], [dmitshur], [jgmac1106], [Sadik_Shahadu] and [mapkyca] joined the channel
Interestingly the exif detection works on desktop. I'll have to find time to plug my phone in to get access to the JS console
[tantek] and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel; dma left the channel
I’d like to help but I am out of my depth. Happy to test any new version.
[AlisonW] and [mapkyca] joined the channel
Yeah, played with it a bit and it's a new "feature" of safari. Basically safari automatically corrects orientation, but it seems that the javascript extracted Orientation value is the original one, so they fight. Not sure how this will work with the back end orientation correction, or whether there's a better way of handling orientation that works on mobile and desktop. Needs some more research, but right now I've got to go to bed!
#2660 is the ticket, for the record
[tantek], [kimberlyhirsh], [KevinMarks] and erlend_shDiscord joined the channel