#known 2020-01-20

2020-01-20 UTC
jeremycherfas, reddDiscord[m], [manton], adinbDiscord[m], [xavierroy], [Michael_Beckwit, [dmitshur], haywirezDiscord[ and [tantek] joined the channel
[mapkyca]: it was mysql -- but I've been using git checkouts, so it could just be that the constraint was already there. ALTER TABLE has an IF NOT EXISTS clause but it's only in recent MariaDB I think...
Also anyone have a tool that will manually add a POSSE target for a post? I'd like to relate an existing twitter post to a post on my site.
[mapkyca] joined the channel
Should have been handled by the versioning, but possibly I forgot to update something. At some point I’ll move over to something like doctrine dbal and manage the dB in json. Patching with sql files is limiting and prone to error.
[Rose], [Marlin_Forbes], HenniDiscord[m], mapkyca, [KevinMarks], [jgmac1106], [LewisCowles], jeremych_, kbo8999Discord[m, seekr, [Sadik_Shahadu], [snarfed], emersen234Discor, wossDiscord[m], [tantek] and richarddavisDisc joined the channel
↩️ Also reason adding @withknown support to @reviewtalentfs and single sign on between two (paid for from joint @scsu and @uconn grant) want to connect reflective teacher archiving with rubric based feedback and coaching. return teachers to peoples, not… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2020/01/20/also-reason-adding-withknown-support-to-reviewtalentfs
[tantek], [dmitshur], [jeremycherfas] and Julian joined the channel
↩️ That though was an actual website and not a pdf...(phew) so @withknown parses the url and fills in the title and link. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1f4VHb)