[cleverdevil]Also, there are a lot of things that happen in the PHP code when you create content in Known, which makes the database really problematic to interact with directly.
mapkycaWhen we give mongodb the bullet, I am very very keen to move away from the fake nosql approach and move to a more relational model. There are json query options in later versions of mariadb/mysql but they're far from mature and we shouldn't use them yet if we want to maintain anything approaching backwards capability
mapkycaThe micro pub client needs a lot of love, but I'd prefer to handle import export via a native process. There's a lot of metadata that (can) be attached to things that won't be preserved via a micro pub transfer
mapkycaMaybe, but much of this may not be visible - a bunch of my plugins for example attach system information against objects, plus there are objects which don't correspond to an Indieweb data type that need to be preserved
jgmac1106, [LewisCowles], [xavierroy], [jgmac1106], jgmac1106_ and jeannie joined the channel
jgmac1106_[mapkyca] anytime this week to show me how you did a clean install and update on Reclaim Hosting, I keep failing every time. I need to roll out sites for elmcitwebmakers.com
[AlisonW][cleverdevil] Thanks for that - I'll take a look (looking at the backload option isn't the final target but was hopefully a way to understanding the process in known)
[AlisonW]otoh one would expect that the date in the db should be sufficient to recreate the content, so my issue of where that error (or rather why) is still there)
[Jeannie]Thank you [jgmac1106]. I was hoping maybe there was an update coming to the plugin or someone had a solution. I have the free mb account so no x-posting. I can use IFTTT, though for Tumblr. I was just hoping to be able to do it from the site. So far, though, now that I'm figuring everything else out I am liking Known for my blogging solution. Is there a way to change the post date or is that just set & unchangeable when you post? No way to
[Jeannie]My login, server & port settings are all correct so I'm guessing there's something with my host on the backend that I need to fix but I don't know. Anyone know what I need to edit to get it working?