#known 2020-01-29

2020-01-29 UTC
[snarfed], [tantek] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Jeanie gmail marks my email notifications as spam. I had to work to get thwm through
Many still get marked malicious... Wonder if many dormant sites that have become spam targets make it worse... Pure speculation
[LewisCowles], [Marlin_Forbes] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
I have to use an app-specific password because I am on Fastmail. That is the only thing I can think of.
[Michael_Beckwit, [xavierroy], [tantek], mapkyca, [Marlin_Forbes] and [asuh] joined the channel
!tell [jgmac1106] I'm trying to get comments working on my site, with no luck. I see you have the '0 comments' etc displayed on yours, but do not present a form to leave a comment. Does this mean you receive comments ONLY by backfeed?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[tonz] joined the channel
!tell [jgmac1106] NVM. I had a realy stupid error and Marcus fixed it. Mapkyca++
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Mapkyca has 16 karma in this channel over the last year (20 in all channels)
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
jeremycherfas, yes. I need to install the askimet plugin before turing comments back on
[Jeannie] joined the channel
I don't use gmail. I have private hosted email. And the issue isn't that messages are going to spam. The issue is that test messages aren't being sent. I don't have 2FA so don't need an app-specific password. By all accounts it should work, but it fails at every attempt. So there must be something on the back end preventing the email service from executing properly that I need to tweak.
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Sorry. Out of ideas.
[tantek] joined the channel
For the longest time I had felt that WordPress was just way too robust and clunky for my wants/need/desires for blogging. Other solutions were either not mobile-friendly or not as cost-effective as my hosting account. Finally decided to give @withknownhttps://modernretrome.com/2020/01/29/for-the-longest-time-i-had-felt
Guest12324, jgmac1106_, [Marlin_Forbes], [prtksxna], [schmarty], [KevinMarks], [snarfed], kiwi_74, chrisaldrich, [LewisCowles], [manton], jeremych_, [Michael_Beckwit, [Jacob_Michelsen and jgmac1106 joined the channel