#known 2020-01-30

2020-01-30 UTC
[KevinMarks], seekr, [snarfed], [Rose], Lisa39, [LewisCowles], jeremych_, jgmac1106 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel; Lisa39, GDiscord[m], EffortlessFuryDi, jakepDiscord[m], iKonixxDiscord[m, PermawebEmbedDis, MuratDiscord[m], barrygDiscord[m], vershimajrDisco4, humbleElitist_Di, godcongDiscord[m, DerrickFDiscord[, Bads3ctorDiscord, psyloDiscord[m], VictorGDiscord[m, ThomasManginDis4, EldenDiscord[m], InTylerWeTrustDi, halifoxDiscord[m, AlexBorgesDiscor, michDiscord[m], tahpotDiscord[m], galetsDiscord[m], prcDiscord[m] and GorkaDiscord[m] left the channel
Struggling to understand how to remove Replies from my RSS feed, to avoid them going into micro.blog where they have no context. I currently have `https://stream.jeremycherfas.net/content/statusupdates/posts/photos/checkins/bookmarkedpages?_t=rss` but that includes statusupdates that are replies. How do I create a "pure" reply that is not also a statusupdate?
jgmac1106 joined the channel
jeremeycherfas, what I did was either create a tag that would only go to micro.blog or then I added every feed but replies, both worked but hard to remember, I think currently I am sending everything
your approach would be cool as I could never seperate replies
The odd thing is, `https://stream.jeremycherfas.net/content/replies/?_t=rss` is not, actually, every post on my site that is a reply to another post. It is VERY selective, and I have not yet worked out the rules it is using (if any).
It might just be ones I created directly on the site, rather than ones I created via micropub from Quill or Omnibear.
Which is how I create the vast majority of my replies.
So hard to debug WithKnown.
jgmac1106, [KevinMarks], [schmarty], [jgmac1106], [Rose], [Michael_Beckwit, AliLynne, tb302, tux and [mapkyca] joined the channel; tb302 left the channel
The micropub client is almost certainly creating replies as regular status objects - replies are a separate type so we can filter. Add another improvement to the list, man that plugin needs an overhaul
jgmac1106 joined the channel
mapkyca did that make the roadmap though?
[Michael_Beckwit and [snarfed] joined the channel