[snarfed], Loqi, [dmitshur], [Marlin_Forbes], plutes, [tantek], JOX, [KevinMarks], colaborador, jeremych_ and [jgmac1106] joined the channel; BlackWhite left the channel
jeremycherfasSo far, I've worked out that Endpoint.php determines a value for $in_reply_to but Status.php has a different variable, $inreplyto, that it uses when it creates the post. I can see that Endpoint.php calls Status.php if $type is 'note' and then I run into a blank wall.
jeremycherfasI don't understand the question. Endpoint.php first decides whether the feed is JSON or not and then builds content identically in both cases. The problem is that Replies generated via micropub are not treated as replies.
[jgmac1106]oh thank you . I did not know how to ask the question, just saw the stuff about json feeds on that page
AltFreqDiscord[m, borismusDiscord[, [KevinMarks], ChubbyBoyDiscord, chrisaldrich, tttDiscord[m], seekr, [jeffpaul], [snarfed], [LewisCowles] and MrSanya_EU joined the channel