#known 2020-02-01

2020-02-01 UTC
maxwelljoslyn, MrUyom_EU, virtual_vagrantD, [dmitshur], [tantek], [fluffy], maxwell, plutes, HielleMatrixBrid, jeremych_, [AlisonW], [jgmac1106], [Rose], [LewisCowles] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
We have a platform to track personalized growth through PD, connect it to your observation and feedback, and we are adding a course builder and a blogging tool using @withknown https://reviewtalentfeedback.com/#services check it out, #satchat (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/2jTPsN)
[jgmac1106] and [Rose] joined the channel
Re the iPhone picture orientation bug, I discovered that if you rotate the image in Photo and then rotate it back, Known now preserves the orientation. Beats me too.
[mapkyca] joined the channel
I think the iphone is doing something funny to the exif orientation stuff.. beats me. I'll try and find time to dig into it a bit more
This is a silly problem with iOS
it bakes the pixels in the same orientation regardless of phone orientation and sets an EXIF rotation flag
some browsers don't respect that flag and then the photo appears upside down or sideways
it'll look different in different browsers which is just great
I had to add a thing to my site to bake in the rotation any time a photo is uploaded. It looks for the EXIF flag and if it's set it actually rotates the pixels and resets the rotation flag
And iOS does the same when you edit the photo by rotating it?
chrisaldrich and [mapkyca] joined the channel
.... cosmic.... 😕
might look to see what libraries there are available to take some of the load off
nek11Discord[m], nek1113Discord[m, [Sadik_Shahadu], SnoochToTheNooch, RenegadeDiscord[ and AlinM joined the channel
nek1113Discord[4, [dmitshur], chrisaldrich, [Christina_Hendr, [jgmac1106], [chrisaldrich], [Michael_Beckwit and [LewisCowles] joined the channel