#known 2020-04-03

2020-04-03 UTC
[tantek], loicm, varun1 and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
mapkyca/idno#517 (master - b5372d6 : Marcus Povey): The build passed.
travis-ci left the channel
travis-ci joined the channel
mapkyca/idno#518 (master - 413828c : Marcus Povey): The build passed.
Main, [jgmac1106], [LewisCowles], [KevinMarks], jamietanna, loicm, [grantcodes], [Michael_Beckwi], jeremycherfas, plutes, niceplaces, [tantek] and IWSlackGateway1 joined the channel; travis-ci left the channel
Is there an issue to unfurl Like posts?
[snarfed], [chrisaldrich], [jeremycherfas], [LewisCowles] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
I had to stop using the reaction plugin quite some time ago
[Michael_Beckwi], loicm, [snarfed], [kimberlyhirsh], [schmarty], [grantcodes] and zia joined the channel
[jgmac1106]: what do you use instead? Or do you not have like-posts?
[jacky], jamietanna, defendthecommons and [Joe_Masilotti] joined the channel
yeah decided the like is ephermal and throw enough away for me I don't bother, do it on the SM if I do it all. If I need it for future I bookmark
I like alot during live twitter chats and they are often h/t i don't really care to own or let float away
[snarfed], Halin, [chrisaldrich] and [fluffy] joined the channel