[Aaron_Klemm]Meanwhile, I configured my config.ini for Postgres and loaded my mydomain/index.php and entered the isntall script configurator. However, It asks me for MySQL params and then errors out with:
[Aaron_Klemm]CLI installer to the rescue! Disovered that and was able to proceed. Now getting not found errors so I'm sure that's the nginx vs. mod_rewrite problem
[Aaron_Klemm]Obviously had to remove that =404 bit above which was an artifact from a previous config. We're rolling now and I've created my user in Known. Exciting!
ketudb, SpencerDub, loicm, [LewisCowles] and [mapkyca] joined the channel
[mapkyca][LewisCowles] Ahh… I think it might have something to do with the current postgres schema. Looks like there’s no linking key over entity / name like there is in mysql… although that itself doesn’t have uniqueness enforced. Hmm.. New world is definitely better…
[jgmac1106], loicm, [KevinMarks], jeremych_, moralityauction, [jgarber], [tantek], moralityauction1, [TimApple], [LewisCowles], chrisaldrich, [chrisaldrich], [snarfed], LisaMorales, [benatwork], [tw2113] and niceplaces joined the channel